Ch. BoBac Titan of Birnam goes Best of Breed, April and May 2007!

June 26th, 2007 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: Today I received my Tally Ho in the mail. For those of you who do not know, the Tally Ho is the official publication of the Basset Hound Club of America. It is a fantastic publication that you receive six times a year when you join the BHCA. In this issue Emma’s Daddy was featured on the back cover:

Ch. BoBac Titan of Birnam ROM going best of breed at the Timberline BHC, April 2007 under breeder judge, Barbara Cromley.


Emma’s Daddy also went Best of Breed at the BHC of Gtr Fort Worth, May 2007 under breeder judge Sharon Dok.


Congratulations Sharon and Richard Nance. Your commitment to basset hounds is a treasure. Thank you, Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. Look for their link on my blogroll. They have a really fun site!

Another Basset Tattoo!

June 24th, 2007 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers! This is Kip Massett’s tattoo of his hound, Gus.


Kip and Gus are our slobberish friends that live in MN. Kip has great ideas and is a true supporter of Lily’s Basset Bucks. It takes a village, doesn’t it Kip? Hey leave a comment and tell us a bit more about your tat. How old is it? Where did you get it? We would love to hear more.

More Later….Cat, Chaps, Emma, Kip and Gus! hehehehehehehe

P.S. Any other residents sporting basset tats? If so, e-mail me a jpeg. I am thinking about starting an album of all of this fine art work.

Lily’s Basset Buck update 6-23-07

June 23rd, 2007 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: It has been one week since bassethoundtown started it’s year long fundraiser, Lily’s Basset Bucks. In our first week Lily has raised 270.00 dollars! That is just awesome! Here is our current Vlog. I started it yesterday so it is dated 6-22-07!

Please, please send us a buck! You can mail it to Lily’s Basset Bucks, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Thomas KY 41075. If you send a check please make it out to Basset Hound Town Enterprises. If you want to paypal Lily a buck my paypal address is: All donations will be posted on my website. 100% of all bucks will be donated to approved 501(c)(3) basset hound rescues.

It will really be fun and easy for everyone! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

A VERY important message from Dawn of the West at BaRNI

June 23rd, 2007 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: I received this reality e-mail message this morning from Dawn of, BarNI at Daphneyland. She speaks from such solid experience. Dawn mentions to check for the closest rescue via my links page.


Here is Dawni message, thank you so much for shining the light on this sad, sad reality. P.S. Another reason to send me a buck! Go to Lily’s basset bucks under categories and watch my Vlog. It is a couple blogs down. Cat


Here is Dawn’s Message

As we near the Holiday – that Holiday being the 4th of July – we fear that California may be in for heartache this year.

Notoriously all rescue groups face a huge influx in June and esp. in July.
As sad as it is to read, here is the reality of rescue…..
Christmas puppy gifts are now nearing the year old mark, when they are really obnoxious, families are planning vacations, back yard entertainment and moving before the new school year – its officially dump your dog month. Whereas you and I will never understand this theory – it is a fact of life for rescue groups and shelters.

Without further ado…. calling all hound owners no matter where you live – PLEASE FOSTER A HOUND FOR THE MONTH OF JULY.

If you don’t know who your local rescue group is, check the rescue links on the drool or at (go to her links page)
For CALIFORNIA hound lovers…..
No matter where in the state you live, there is a local rescue group. We would be happy to refer you to your closest group, don’t be shy! Daphneyland is as of this moment at 100 hounds. That is our maximum.
Adoptions have been picking up and we had 9 hounds go home in the last week, but 9 more had to come in – and the list continues. Right this moment in Southern California shelters there are 8 hounds waiting. Waiting for a clock to tick off their time – will a home be found before that 96 hours ticks down? Is all that is waiting for these hounds at the end of 96 hours a needle ? We have an OTI list pending. And today a call came in with a family of -3- hounds (they make such CUTE babies we were told – ages 2, 3 and 4). And So Cal is not alone.
Every rescue group needs your help as a foster parent, even if only for a few weeks. Make July the official Foster a Hound Month. If you are interested in fostering in the So Cal area, please drop Becky an email:

Give it a try – I cannot promise that you too won’t end up on the side of a mountain with 100 hounds, but it WILL take a while before you become as insane as we are.

Dawn of the West
Daphneyland – home of 100 hounds.
Including Ralph – who is gaining weight by leaps and bounds, is teething heaven help us (he’s pulled up -3- trees and brought them to me – what a guy!) and may be neutered next week at his vet appointment…….

Happy Hour – Turn it up and enjoy!

June 22nd, 2007 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Roll Me Away – Bob Segar and The Silver Bullet Band – This is a video I pulled off of YouTube just because I love the song. You do not need to watch this video. It is for audio purposes only. I could not download it from ITunes. Bob makes you buy the whole album. Sorry Bob.

Count down to the weekend. Let’s start early! 4:44 pm

June 22nd, 2007 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Need a YouTube break? Me too!

June 22nd, 2007 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Goats and Hounds.

Welcome Home to Earth! Atlantis lands safely in CA

June 22nd, 2007 - 3:03 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and space lovers. Atlantis is home safe and sound!


Anyone hear the sonic booms? That must be really cool. More Later..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Space Shuttle Atlantis Lands in California After 2-Week Mission
By Demian McLean

June 22 (Bloomberg) — The shuttle Atlantis touched down this afternoon on a runway in the California desert, capping a two-week mission to expand the space station.

The 100-ton glider landed at 12:49 p.m. local time, having dropped more than 80 miles (129 kilometers) from space to Edwards Air Force Base, outside the town of Mojave. It’s the first landing at Edwards in almost two years.

The Atlantis and its seven crew members are returning from a mission to augment the International Space Station. Astronauts added a pair of solar wings, roughly doubling electric capacity on the orbiting outpost.

In about a week, the shuttle will be carried to Kennedy Space Center in Florida atop a jumbo jet, at a cost of $1.77 million. Thunderstorms prevented the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from landing at the Cape Canaveral site yesterday and today.

To contact the reporter on this story: Demian McLean in Washington at .

Happy first day of Summer from Roscoe and Rufus, The TGIF Hounds!

June 21st, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers: What a way to kick off summer, watching Roscoe take a cool dip. Roscoe’s has a basset bro named Rufus. They live with their rockin’ Dad in Cali. Ah, Cali dreamin’! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Last day of Spring in

June 20th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Spring Lovers: It has been so hot in bassethoundtown that I was very surprised to remember that today is the last day of spring. Farewell, my dear season. You were too short lived.
This is Dudley. Bassethoundtown resident and Spring Lover. His Mom is Andrea! What a Cute picture. More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

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