FINALLY!!!!! I got a picture of Emma kissing Chaps!

September 26th, 2008 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and kissing hound lovers: OMfreakingG! I have been trying and trying to get a picture of Emma kissing Chaps and it has just been totally elusive. Someone is always in motion and the picture comes out looking like blurry fur. May I present: THE KISS, slurp!

It kind of looks like a nudge, but it isn’t. It’s a real kiss. OK, maybe I missed it again. I will keep trying. Bummer.

She does it all the time, so it should not be that hard!

More kissing later…..Cat, Chaps and the kissing Emmers!

Emma Rudert, BHT – Employee of the week!

September 26th, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Employee of the Week Lovers! Yes, our Emma is employee of the week. She has spent her week helping others and bringing joy to all around her.

This honor holds many perks. She gets the best parking spot on the couch. She is first in the dinner line. She gets to have her picture as the screen saver, and she is also awarded belly rubs first.

I will have an Emma health update later today. There is no real change. I have a few IOI (Items of Interest)!

More EOTWs later! Cat, Chaps and Emma

The 2008 Basset Hound Nationals are days away!

September 26th, 2008 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Basset Hound National Lovers: Yes, the time has finally come and the basset hound nationals are days away. Anyone can attend. You do not need to be a member of the club. Here is the link to all of the information you will need to attend.


Here is the proposed agenda! I got this off of their website. However, I see one very important thing missing from this agenda!


Yes folks there is going to be a parade of rescue bassets at the nationals this year. I have been trying to find out information on this for about a month and it was all very sketchy, but let me tell you when it is!

9:00 AM on Thursday, 10/2/08!

How much fun. You cannot enter this because the entries have closed. There are 12 rescue hounds participating and it should be a really big show.

Here is the entire week’s schedule.


Sunday – September 28

Monday – September 29
Basset Hound Club of Greater Fort Worth Specialty Show
Obedience, Rally and Conformation
Hospitality & Welcome Party

Tuesday – September 30
Obedience & Rally
Field Trials

Wednesday – October 1
Dog Classes
Field Trials
Buffet Dinner
Open Board Forum
Snood Contest

Thursday – October 2
Bitch Classes
Hunt Test

Friday – October 3
Junior Showmanship
Best of Breed
6:00 PM
Winner’s Party / Cocktail Party
Silent Auction
Live Auction
7:30 PM
Annual Meeting

Saturday – October 4
Tracking – TD & TDX
Sunday – October 5
Tracking – VST

The Agility Trial will be held next to the hotel.

The Hunt Test and Field Trial will be held about 50 miles east of hotel on land owned by the Dachshund Club.
It is fenced with rabbits.

If you go send me pictures! Have fun and,

More Later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

Can any body find me some body to love?

September 25th, 2008 - 9:09 pm KY Time

I heard this song on the way home from the jewelry store yesterday and just got addicted to it again.
Man O Man those were the days!

Then I got home and started singing it to the kids. Good thing the windows were not open! LOL

More loving later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Devon and I announce…………

September 25th, 2008 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow hound and 50% lovers!

Devon and I reached our 50% goal today on our Firstgiving Fund Raiser for the House of Puddles. Our goal is 10,000 dollars! Today we reached 5,000.00.

We want to thank each and every one of you who donated to our Firstgiving page. We are overwhelmed and over the moon. Over the moon!

Beyond belief!

Crazy happy!

Can you believe it!

More later, OK?

Cat, Chaps and Emma

Everyone say Ahhhhhhhhhh – Ryder!

September 25th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound, Devon, Todd, and Ryder Lovers!

Everyone say Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I thought that everyone would love a look at little big man! (Ryder) This is so much fun. Our Devon is a Mommy!

She is over the Moon! Just like Todd! I heart him!

How cute are they? Say hay!

Stay tuned for an announcement from Devon and I on our Gold Rush Firstgiving page! We are very jazzed!

More sugar baby pics and announcements later!

Swing time!

September 25th, 2008 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and swing time lovers: Now this hound really knows how to relax. Scoot over and make room for me! hehe

Two cups of lemonaide please!

More swinging later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Ah, look at my sleepy boy!

September 25th, 2008 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and sleepy lovers: Look at my sleepy boy. Emma was on my other side, but she was feeling a bit camera shy!

A boy needs his beauty sleep, and a lot of it! tehehe

More sleepy boy pics later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Cute Chaps Picture of the Day!

September 24th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and CCPOTD Lovers! I have an ulterior motive for this CCPOTD!!!!! Chaps needs votes! He is lagging seriously behind some of the cash cows getting votes for the Senior Hounds Abound Calendar Contest! What is he? Chopped liver? He would rather have the chopped liver! LOL

Check out Ethel, she has some real deep pocket voters or some powerful lobbyist friends. Hehehehehe


More buying your votes later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Past, Present and Future Puddles!

September 24th, 2008 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Past, Present, and Future Puddles Lovers! hehehehehe!

I just wanted to update everyone on the Gold Rush. I have been extremely busy loading jewelery into the HOP Main Street Boutique.

Last night I had so much fun playing with the Past, Present and Future Puddles ring donated by Holly Simpson. Look at this stunner!

Click HERE to get more pictures, details and the price. Remember, 100% of this sale will go directly into the House of Puddles Paypal account. What a way to shop!

Start your holiday shopping early, before the sky falls! LOL

More shopping tips later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

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