Wanna see my new screen saver?

September 30th, 2011 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Screen Saver Lovers!  Well, I am pretty sure there is no prettier screen saver than this!  Just ask me!  hehehe


Emma has decided to sell this snood sent to her from a friend in Japan.  She has only worn it for this picture!

This snood will be on the basset hound town table for 30 dollars.


The lace detail in the back is beyond anything you have ever seen!


This is for the snood wearing girl that wants to turn heads and win ribbons!


Get a jump and buy this snood now.

Paypal me at bassethoundtown@fuse.net

30.00 dollars for pretty girl snood.  Just log into paypal and send money.

Make sure you say it is for pretty girl snood.

This designer snood is one of kind.  Never see yourself ring side in this one!

I have snoods that start at a buck but you get what you pay for!

More loving one of a kind later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

OMDawg….I have such great stuff for my booth at the basset hound nationals!

September 29th, 2011 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and shopping lovers!  My Mom has been saying for days “Why is all of this basset hound stuff not in your bassethoundtown boutique?”

Me…”I have no idea!”

I have so much cool stuff I could fill up about 10 tables.  Alas…I only have one and that one table will have different stuff everyday!

This item is bassetabulous.


It is a concrete statue that hangs on the wall.  It is about the size of a salad plate.  The detail is amazing.

I have one and my Mom has one.  We love them!

I will be showcasing and linking to all of my vendor booth stuff on line for the residents if they are interested.

It will be like QVC  with the Q replaced by a B.  BVC!  Basset Value Convenience!

Join us next week!  The blogs will be fast and faster!

More loving vendor booths later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Update on Sr. Hounds Abound Voting!

September 29th, 2011 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Voting for Emma Lovers…..Well, if you are on the Daily Drool you may have read the update regarding Wendi, House Mother of
Sr. Hounds Abound.  She has been in the hospital and is suffering from abdominal issues.  All signs point to her now not needing surgery.  Thank Dog!  Wendi, has however, extended voting until October the 8th.  Also, if you have voted for Emma recently and did not see her totals increase that is because Wendi updates them manually.  She is actually working on that now.  She feels better.  Maybe it is because of multiple elders drooling at the Abound Abode.

Get well soon dear Wendi!

Buttermilk taking a shine to Wendi

Wendi pictured here at the House of Puddles annual picnic with darling Buttermilk.

More voting for Emma later!  Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Apple pie pain pill:)

September 27th, 2011 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and apple pie lovers.  Well, our Mayor is one of those.

For some reason, some of his favorite treats cannot hide his pain pill or his antibiotics.

I had to go back to the vet today to get himz a pain pill.  He was up all night, last night lightly crying.

I got home from the vet and himz Grandma got himz into bed after I finally got a pill him himz.


But get this.  He would not take any of his favorites covered in the pill.  Cream cheese, mashed potatoes, or even butter.  The only way he would take his pain pill was with apple pie filling.

As you can see Emma was waiting for herz.  (no pill but a dollop of apple pie filling)

Chaps pain pill is kicking in now and Emma is just kicking in!  She is so happy.  She is not 100%.  I can tell her bark has been compromised by the intubation.  Mama has been rubbing her neck.


A little apple pie never hurt no one!  hehehe

More having a better night tonight later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Getting ready for the Nationals!

September 27th, 2011 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and getting ready for the Nationals Lovers!  Grandma and I have been getting ready for our booths for months but for the last few weeks we have shifted into 4th gear!  We worked on our House of Puddles sign today.

Of course we need a sign for the HOP table!

Look at this pawsome accomplishment!  hehehe


It is actually nice and big and yellow!  Guess why we picked yellow for the poster board!  LOL

Also, yesterday bassethoundtown received an incredible donation from the wonderful artist Karen McDonough.  Remember?  She recently painted Chaps and Emma.

Karen painted and donated her masterpiece of one of the Hoppers to the HOP Nationals table!  This is Max…..




Max will be for sale at the upcoming Nationals and will be showcased in 6 short days!

BEAUTIFUL!  Please come shop the HOP table!

Of course bassethoundtown’s booth will be right next door!  For once I can pick my neighbor!

Are you attending?

Thanks you again and again Karen!

More showcasing later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

The Kids are home and resting comfortably:)

September 26th, 2011 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and having hounds home lovers…YES!

Well, we picked up the kids about 2 hours ago.  Our vet, Dr. Doan walked outside with us and took a picture of the kids loading into the BHV, (basset hauling vehicle), for his facebook page.


The kids were never so glad in all of their live long days to get out of there!

Grandma and I got them home and Emma made it into the comfort corner and is still there.  Chaps barely made it into the bed and is now slightly crying.  I think that cyst removal hurts.  I gave him half a pain pill.


This is what I will be doing the rest of the night.  My seat is on the couch right next to the bed.

Maybe a little dancing with the stars.

More chart notes from the unregistered nurse later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

OK, the good news is…The kids are doing fine and waking up after their teeth cleaning!

September 26th, 2011 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and teeth cleaning wringing the hands not lovers;)

Well, I do my best to get the kids in for a cleaning once a year and September happens to be our month.  Of course I get nervous and stress out the night before.  But let me tell you about last night.  My mind was racing about the next day, (today) and I was tossing and turning. Chaps had to get 3 masses removed as well as his teeth so, ya worry!  I finally fell asleep about 1:00am.  At 1:03am a rare autumn thunderstorm hits hard!

Well, little storm trooper was ready for the thunder parade.  We walked until I could figure out the radar and it looked like we were going to get a break.


Back to bed and 2 hours later round two rolled through!  So, the Mayor and I have been up since 3:00am.  Emma, being the perfect child, got every bit of her beauty sleep.

Grandma and I got the kids all buckled up and off we went.


I think we will all go to bed early tonight.

I am just so happy I can check this off my list for another year.  Sigh……..

More updates about the kids later tonight….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Facebook find of the day…..

September 24th, 2011 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Facebook find of the day lovers….

OK, again I have no idea who this young beautiful bassetabulous baby hound is but I want himz or herz;)  Can you imagine someone saying…..Here is your new pup?  hehehe


I think the baby is from Europe but again, facebook is so screwed up any more I can’t figure half of it out.  I am not a big facebook user but it is worth it to find smiles like this baby!

Enjoy your Saturday everyone.  My Mom and I are getting the booths together for the Basset Hound Nationals.  Anyone coming?

More showing booth stuff later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

OH CANADA! Thank you Toronto:)

September 23rd, 2011 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Oh Canada Lovers.

This just in as breaking news from CNN this morning…..

City bans sale of pets bred at ‘puppy mills’

Pet stores in Toronto will no longer be able to sell dogs and cats, as Toronto council voted to crack down on so-called “puppy mills” – inhumane dog and cat breeders that are currently illegal in the province.Council voted Wednesday, Sept. 21, to effectively close a loophole that made it possible for the unlawful breeders to sell the animals they raise through pet stores.

While most pets stores have voluntarily stopped selling the animals, council voted to make it mandatory. Under the new bylaw, the only way a pet store can provide pets is in partnership with an animal rescue organization, Toronto’s Animal Control Services or the Toronto Humane Society.According to Scarborough Centre Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker, the new bylaw should make it more difficult for illegal puppy mills – of which there are estimated to be 100 – to operate.

“The goal of this motion is to stop animal cruelty,” De Baeremaeker said. “We know we will never shut down puppy mills. But hopefully through this we can stop these fly-by-night operations.”

De Baeremaeker pointed to evidence of cruelty in illegal puppy mills in which animals are crammed into stacked cages, often forced to defecate on one another. He said that those animals ultimately become the sad responsibility of taxpayers.

“It’s not just taxpayers buying bad merchandise, but what happens when you get a dog with a severe behavioural problems. You know where that dog ends up? In Toronto Animal Services at one of our pounds. We all have to pay to feed and retrain that animal and we pay to euthanize that animal if it’s unadoptable because of its aggression problems.”

Under the bylaw, licensed dog breeders would also be prohibited from selling in pet shops, but would continue to be able to sell from their own facilities.


I think this is wonder news.  Just wonderful.  I have been involved in too many puppy mill busts and I would like to see the evil millers in jail.

On the other hand, back in the USA, the AKC has a different outlook.  You have to read it to believe it.  I was rubbing my eyes in shock.  In the current Tally Ho (Basset Hound Club of America Publication) there is an article written by Barbara Wicklund updating the club on the AKC and their declining registration fees. I quote….

AKC Delegate’s Report by Barbara Wicklund……

Barbara states……

“A presentation was given by the new marketing director, Lisa Gonzales, who is embarking on a campaign to increase registrations.  They have additional commercial breeders (formerly known as puppy mills, but that term is no longer politically correct) on board.  The next step is to “educate” the large number of “casual breeders,” (formerly known as backyard breeders who breed “Occasionally,” defined as 3 litters a year.  I for one hope the “education” includes the use of written contracts that require their dogs to be returned to them instead of being turned in to kill shelters or to the 50 overcrowded Basset Hound rescue groups around the county. “


Comments anyone?

The AKC has puppy mills on board?  The AKC is hoping for back yard breeders to get on board.

What is going on?


Ozark Mountain Basset Hound Rescue saved 24 mill basset hounds recently. This is a video how transport coordinator, Tanya Kittrell, arranged a massive effort to get 5 of these hounds to two different basset hound rescues, (Mid-Atlantic and New England Basset Hound Rescue) . It involved 22 legs and took place this weekend (8/17-19/07). This video does not include the 19th. I hope to do part two. I have one hope for this video. Please help shut down puppy mills. These poor dogs are so abused. When you get a dog, know where it comes from. Please do not shop at a pet store. Sweet hounds like this suffer. Also, look at the work it takes for many people to rescue and save the dogs who are lucky. Thank you for reading this from, the 24 puppy mill hounds who do not want others to live in hell. Slurp!

More wondering why later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – Please Share…..

Congratulations to Connor and his new pup Lily Starr

September 21st, 2011 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Connor lovers.  Remember Connor?  The little boy who gave up his 200 dollars that he was saving for a basset hound pup?  He gave up his savings to the Red Cross to help the victims of hurricane Katrina!  What a kid!

Here is the blog posting I did about him on 1-20-10.


Introducing Lily Starr with her new best friend…..Connor!

Connor and Lily

Well, I was beyond touched when Connor and his Mom told me that they named their new pup after my Lily.  That brought a tear to my eye.

Lily Rudert

Lily Starr is one lucky hound.  Connor told me he was very proud to be an official resident of bassethoundtown now!  Howl cute is that?

More loving Lily and Connor Starr later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

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