Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Cookies and Cash Lovers! Today was a big day in bassethoundtown! Two of our very own residents, Marsie Hall Newbold (of Marsie’s Menagerie) and Nosey had a big surprise for the residents!
So the Mayor Daisy Lynn and I got all dolled up and headed out to meet Marsie and Nosey…

I must show a close up of our outfits!
Look at the scarf that Grandma gave Daisy Lynn! It is covered in daisies! Just darling!

We arrived at a small cafe in Cincinnati called Lookout Joe.
And lookout we did!
They sell Marsie’s dog cookies for charity.
It’s a check that manager Olivia is holding made out to bassethoundtown!
Marsie donated the sales of her dog cookies to bassethoundtown!

It’s a whopping $390.00 dollars! That’s a lot of cookies being loved by a lot of dogs!
Mayor Daisy Lynn Rudert has made her very first executive decision for our town and she has decided to turn the entire check amount over to HOUSE OF PUDDLES!
The executive counsel is in full agreement!

I would say the Mayor Daisy Lynn is lucky to have her very first major decision be such a yummy one!

More loving Cookies, Cash and HoPpers later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB eating rainbow cookies and hanging out in the HOP cafe)