Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Volunteering at House of Puddles for the Day Lovers….
On Saturday, May the 29th, Marilyn held the first ever House of Puddle Volunteer Day. I would have loved to attend, but that drive is just a bit to far.
I did an interview of Marilyn the day after the event and here it is:
This was your very first VD, are you going to make it an annual event or perhaps several times per year?
Marilyn: I think we’ll do it at least annually, but might do another one in late summer.
Can you tell us howl many folks showed up for VD?
I didn’t count, maybe 20ish?

Who was the first to arrive and what time?
The first two I remember seeing were Alisa Garbrick and Peter Roebuck, around 10:00 I think. Most everyone else showed up shortly afterwards, all eager to get to work. It was amazing how enthusiastic everyone was.
Can we expect more pictures?
I didn’t take any pictures, myself. I did take video, but a lot of it didn’t turn out very well because I was walking as I was shooting, so everything looks pretty wobbly. Lesson learned!
It looks like you had a nice day. Did you get most of what you want
Yes, in addition to the beauty treatment the houndies got, Lisa Wallace and her husband took down a tree that was threatening to come crashing down on the fence – they have obviously done this many times before because they had all the equipment for it. I’m glad they got a tidy truck full of firewood. Peter Roebuck cleared a place and dug the wholes to put to rest 6 Hopper angels and Susan Randolph’s Stanley, a former Hopper. They are resting under beautiful lilies donated by Annika Frances and Susan’s father.

Another group beat back the jungle trying to take over a big landscaped area. And after lunch, the dog room in the basement got a thorough vacuuming and mopping and the patio was power washed. Oh, and the obvious chore – Susan scooped poop!

The hounds look in fine form, did they all get a bath?
Yes. All the hounds got baths and walkies, which was the top priority, and many of them got a good brushing.

Howl many hounds would that be?
22 (21 Hoppers plus Melynda’s Becky, also a former Hopper)
Who is the biggest old baby at bath time?
I don’t know, I didn’t see most of the baths.

Did Jeeps have fun?
I’m sure he enjoyed seeing all the people and getting extra attention, but being a long legged coonhound, I had to keep him in the back yard because he would have jumped the baby gates protecting the food in the dining room.

Did Buttermilk get a lot of belly rubs?
I’m sure Buttermilk saw to it that she did.

Did Hermey make any new friends?
Everybody is Hermey’s friend.

Did Susan Randolph leave with any of the hounds (LOL)?
No, but she almost made Bessie disappear with the extra good brushing she gave her.

Can you tell us who came from the furthest to participate?
I’m not really sure, but it was probably Susan Randolph, all the way from Delaware.
Who scooped the most poop?

Howl was the food? I saw that Susan Randolph brought her pupcake tree!
The food was fabulous! Susan’s cupcakes with their wicked fudge and cream cheese frostings are to die for. We had many other fantastic desserts, too, and chips & dips, meat balls, chicken, shrimp and sides. What a feast!

What time did VD wrap up?
Late afternoon, I think the last ones were gone by about 4:00.

Did HOP smell like wet hounds when everyone left?
No, they were all dry by then. But now I have a whole new crop of fur tumbleweeds floating around the house (but they’re very clean tumbleweeds).

Did all the hounds sleep sound at the end of the day?
Yes, they were pretty tuckered out from all the excitement.
Would you consider VD a great success?
Absolutely! I am so grateful for all the hard work everyone put in and we had a ton of fun, too.

Do you have another function at HOP planned this year?
Other than another possible VD, I have a HOP pawty every year in October. It’s not a fundraiser or anything, just a time for basset lovers to get together and share food, fun & friendship, and it gives the houndies a chance to get some extra love & bellyrubs. I’ll post it on my Facebook page later in the year.
Marilyn Brazzle
House of Puddles, Inc.
Frederick, MD
End of interview
Special thanks to Jamie Shrimp for the use of the pictures off of her facebook page….
More loving and helping the elders at the HOP later….Cat, Chaps and Emma