Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Christmas miracle lovers. I would love to update the residents with wonderful howl-o-day news from our very own Carley, now know as Presley!
After almost 4,500 shares from the residents of bassethoundtown, various facebook pages, twitter and Basset Buddies Rescue of TX…Presley found her forever home!
As you can see…Her new cat brother is checking her out!

Tiffany, the foster Mommy reports…
“Carly found a forever home!! Someone saw last week’s post and fell in love with her immediately. This is her in her new home with her cat brother checking her out. If I searched for years, I couldn’t have found a more perfect or more loving couple to adopt her.
They had planned on taking her after Jan 1, but the visit went so well tonight, they couldn’t let go of her. She now lives in a big, beautiful house on water with ducks she can listen to quack when she’s outside. She got exactly what she deserved after enduring years of pain.”
So…a big and bright thank you to all of the residents who shared and cared about one of our own. Special thanks to Cindy Doyle who is a volunteer with Basset Buddies Rescue of TX and did some additional great investigative reporting for the residents.
As many, if not all of you know, blind hounds are very special to me.
I am sure Emma was watching over Presley…She knew where to send her….

My Darling Emma
More loving sharing and caring later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB working the rainbow social network;)