Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and bassethoundtown Walking Club Lovers…..OMD! Our first event was a huge success. I arrived about 20 minutes early with the wonderful Emma. As you may recall I decided not to take Chaps. Himz is kind of grumpy around other hounds. He also hates to let Emma have fun. It is not his fault. Chaps gets to do some stuff on his own with me. He gets to go to schools and read and teach dog safety. I wanted to see if a Walking Club Event was up Emma’s alley. Turns out it was!

I noticed I was not the first to arrive but Cutie Ruby was with her lovely family. That is Ruby’s Mommy in the purple scarf. Ruby has some really great kids as well!

I was smiling ear to ear as I saw the BHVs (Basset Hauling Vehicles) rolling in! Here is one of Ruby’s boys. Dad is in the green hat and you can see Mom in the purple scarf holding Ruby’s leash! Hank is in there and so is Phoebe!

Then Rudy, arrived with Pat! Look howl happy himz is to meet and greet!

It was so cool to see the BHVs rolling in. Judy and I would scream, “here comes another one!”
HERE COMES LIL’ ABNER! I love this big boy!

Himz is a therapy hound that goes to work every day with his Daddy who is a Psychiatrist. Himz had made folks smile that have not smiled in a very long time. Kind of brings a tear to the eye. He is such a huge lover. Get this……he could not get enough of our Emmers…..It is not the best picture but Lil’ Abner sure loved our Lil’ Emma! OH NO….I feel like we are cheating on Chaps:(

Who could not love this guy? He really had a great time at the walk. It was great to see his Dad and his Dad’s daughter….

Then baby puppy Lily arrived! At least I am pretty sure this is herz. She was such a delight!

We gathered and waited for a few more minutes to see if there were any others….

This is a fine photo! Here is part of our group. Look up on the road. I was so impressed by our turn out! It was perfect…

We headed back to the dog park and had a grand ole time!

It really was a nice step up. The day and the park were just perfect. Emma even got a few great kisses! This one from Bonnie!

The hounds seemed to have a great time at the dog park!
Here is Doodle bug getting a big wif of Hank! hehehe

Then we all paraded back up the parking lot!

What a great pack!
Phoebe and Rudy, not to be confused with Ruby, lead the way!

Here comes Judy and Abby. Bumper was at the rest stop up the way with Daddy Gary!

I totally missed a shot of Poesy Mae. She is so petite and sweet. We call her the singing nun because she howls to the church bells. Here is a shot of her with her Daddy who did not make it to the walk but I am sure we will see him in on another walk.

All good things must come to an end but not for long. We have another walk coming up soon! We better get Chaps in order for that one. I am pretty sure some of the basset hound town residents are going to be in attendance. YES!
But for now, Chaps is happy as a clam that his girl is home! (getting a good wif)

More walking with friends later…..Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma