Friday YouTube Find of the Day!!!

September 20th, 2013 - 9:09 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Beach o’Bassets Lovers…I was thinking the other day that I have not been on YouTube that much.  I really cannot figure out why.  I guess anymore you have to wade through all of the advertisements of losers selling puppies and the endless commercials.  Oh howl times have changed.

It certainly was worth it to bring you this Friday Find from Australia where the hounds run free and the popsicles are a plenty!

With the end of our summer right around the corner and our days of beach vacations soon a memory let’s enjoy Moose, Twiggy & George!

More loving the endless days of summer later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma reporting rainbow waves for the weekend)

Inspector Dolittle in the biggest sniff job of his life! A murder mystery by Julian, my nephew.

August 8th, 2009 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Murder Mystery Lovers! Well, my nephew Julian is one of those. He wrote, produced, directed, designed and did the spoken word for his short murder mystery. Julian wrote part 1 of 2 in this mystery series back in October of 2008 and I am now just getting it into a format that we love. Again, this is part 1 of 2 in the Inspector Dolittle series. Chaps is the inspiration for the Inspector Dolittle character as you will see! They have been partners in crime for years.


Emma is OK letting her big boy friend fight the crime. She is happy to lay in my lap and be PROUD!

So, without further delay…………

Be warned, this murder mystery is scary and maybe PG12 due to slight violence!!!


My name is Inspector Dolittle. I am not your ordinary Basset Hound. I am a sniff dog to find the toughest of criminals. But at the moment, the biggest task at hand was to eat the meal in front of me. “Finish your meal, Inspector.” That is my human female master, JoAnn.


We were just about to go on the most large, most important sniffing job of our lives. The maker of the biggest dog breeding company in the world was murdered the other day. I was assigned to find the criminal! After I finished my meal, we went on the motorized vehicle JoAnn likes to call the Pooter Scooter’.


We were heading to the scene of the crime. It was the dog breeders home. Once we got there. I instantly caught a sent! ” Looks like Inspector got something.” I followed that sent all the way to a graveyard with the humans not far behind.


I found a dead body. That body had another sent that I instantly followed once again. This time, it lead to an deserted car. No dead bodies. No other sent. But a few short seconds later, a fast car pulled up and the person inside said to get in. We drove at 70 mph or above the whole entire time.


Suddenly, bullets were flying everywhere! One of them got the person driving and the car spun out of control. When I woke up, there were ten people in the car when we first began the chase, now, four were dead, three were missing, and three were alive. Thank god JoAnn was alive. But I also before sniffed one of the people that are now missing. So yet again, I got a sent of the person that was missing and started following the trail of smells. It was at a small area of dessert that we found the first body. I also caught the sent of one of the other missing people. This time, it lead us to a tall tree and the next person was at the top. We had a lot trouble getting him down.


The last sent pointed to a car with the last person in the back. The only one of those that were dead was the one that was in the dessert. One last sent lead to a horrible looking house. We went inside and found the culprit! I was awarded a metal at the Town Hall the next day. The culprit was an owner of another dog breeding company that would never do as well as the other one, which is probably the reason he killed the other owner. That is the end of the biggest sniff job of my life.

The end of part 1 by Julian………..

More later including part 2……..Love Cat, Chaps and Emma

Welcome to Basset Hound Town Theater

July 26th, 2009 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and watching BHT videos on YouTube lovers. As many of you know, YouTube has been deleting videos that have copyrighted songs in them if the copyright owner wishes it. So, I want to state, I do not own the copyright to this video’s song, called Laura’s Theme from the movie Dr. Zhivago.

If you wish to purchase Laura’s Theme. Go to iTunes and search for the title. It is the one by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. I was going to link to it, but I guess you can’t do that in iTunes.

DISCLAIMER: The music is copyrighted to the respective owners. No infringement intended.

Please, enjoy this classic bassethoundtown video that more than 20,000 people enjoyed on YouTube until it was removed. I present to you…..
Emma as Laura and Chaps as Dr. Zhivago……

There is a new sub blog called Basset Hound Town Theater. This is where all of my videos that YouTube removes will be available for your viewing pleasure. I will always tell my viewers how to purchase the song that I am using for entertainment purposes only.

If the copyright owner wishes the video removed please e-mail me via the contact page.

Word to the wise………

If you make YouTube videos make sure you save them in a QuickTime type of format so you can have a copy. When YouTube deletes them they are gone for good.

More cool videos later……Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma