Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and announcements from The Mayor Lovers……
OK, here is the deal. Please look to the right of this blog posting and feast your eyes on the utterly handsome Rugby Doyle.

Tomorrow is the last day we can vote for our dear, dear resident while he vies for a month in the Senior Hounds Abound Calendar.
Remember? Chaps won a month last year. I am so excited because he is Mr. October! This is the picture his adoring fans will be viewing the entire month of October, if you bought a calendar from Senior Hounds Abound! I can barely contain myself seeing his beautiful face! October is the year of his dear birth!

Last night Wen, who runs the retirement home in Florida e-mailed me and asked for a small bio of our Mayor so she could add it to her website. Here is what Mommy wrote for himz!
“Chaps is our featured Hound for October. Chaps will turn 10 on the 17th of October and is the pride and joy of the Rudert Family. Chaps is the Mayor of Bassethoundtown and is hugely involved in Basset Hound Rescue. His main fundraising efforts are for senior basset hounds. Howl ever, he regularly visits elementary schools to help human children read. Chaps is a giver. His goal in life is to make others happy.
As his Mom, I am proud to announce, he is exceeding his goal.
Love – Cat Rudert, aka Mommy”
So, if you want a way to donate to Senior basset hounds VOTE FOR RUGS! Also, this is a great gift giving idea with the holidays coming up! I buy them every year for myself and gifts.
This is Senior Hounds Abound big fundraising event of the year.
Each vote costs one dollar. I was cleaning out the BHV today and found 7 dollars that I forgot I had so I am going right to the voting booth!
GO RUGS, GO RUGS, GO RUGS! Himz Mommy, Cindy would be so proud!
More voting, but not later, the time is NOW! Love, Cat, Chaps (October Boy) and Emma, (not old enough to enter yet!)