YouTube find of the day…

January 31st, 2013 - 8:08 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and YouTube find of the day lovers…Howl is everyone this morning?

This little vid will wake you up and put a smile on your face….but grab a towel!

Nothing like the smell of wet hound in the morning….

More loving slow-mo later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) not missing baths at all!

Daisy Lynn had to have her stitches checked today!

January 30th, 2013 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Spay Lovers…Well, little Daisy is a very active puppy.  Grandma and I have been watching her like hawks but she jumps, and plays like crazy.  Much to our chagrin we noticed some swelling today around her stitch area.


I e-mailed her doctor this picture and he aired on the side of safety and wanted to see her.  He confirmed that she was being too active and agitated her incision area.  He was not overly concerned but put her on a course of antibiotics.

So, we are being like a flock of hawks instead of just 2 hawks.

She is doing good tonight playing with her favorite toy, a squeaky fox.


We are keeping her confined for the most part to the sunroom area.

She is still active as heck and hard to keep still but still she will be with the mother hawks in charge….

More not letting her out fox us later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) somewhat nervous for us…


Up one minute down the next…

January 29th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and puppy lovers…Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I recall myself saying, self…”never ever have a puppy again…”  Well, never say never.

Actually, she is really very good.  Very active!

Up one minute….

Hurry Grandma, I want my treat!

Hurry Grandma, I want my treat!

And down the next…


More never saying never later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) howling and laughing at Mommy…


Anyone remember this guy? Today is his day on the Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar

January 28th, 2013 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Nash lovers.  Remember bassethoundtown resident Nash?  He was the guy we were helping to find a home for.  He did find a really fine home but not prior to being passed around.  Poor Guy.


For some reason I had a rash of pictures on the Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar fall at the end of January.  That’s OK.  Remember, I bought all of the remaining dates so I could showcase some of our residents.

I finally did confirm that Nash was related to Emma.  It took a lot of digging and research but finally someone fessed up.  I never could get the basset hound rescue he was with to even answer my questions.  Very sad.

I love you Nash.  Just know that Emma and I will support and report on hounds such as yourself.

More supporting and reporting later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) still working to shine light on primary, hereditary glaucoma…


Lullaby for Daisy Lynn Rudert – Frere Jacques

January 27th, 2013 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Frere Jacques lovers…I just love the French Lullaby Frere Jacques.

Frere Jacques

Grandma bought me the cutest little music box about 15 years ago that plays Frere Jacque..


It has cute little dog pictures all over it….


So sweet!


Lets see of Daisy Lynn likes it!!!

More loving lullaby’s later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) howling Dormez Vous…

Senior Hounds Abound – January 26, 2013 – Featuring Big Joey!

January 26th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Big Joey lovers…Today we have another bassethoundtown rescue featured on the Senior Hounds Abound Calendar!



He is one of the dates I bought to show case some of the residents of bassethoundtown.  Does anyone remember himz?

2009 Blog posting

Big Joey was adopted soon after he was transport to MidAtlantic Basset Hound Rescue.  He became adored by his family who I think, I remember had a bakery.

More loving bassethoundtown rescue hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) making sure they all find their way.


Daisy Lynn is doing great after her spay surgery:)

January 26th, 2013 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and Daisy Lynn Spay Surgery Recovery Lovers…

We were worried that she might have to wear the cone of shame but she did just great.  She is a bit interested in her incision site but not enough to wear a cone.  Good Girl!  Of course we never leave her side…

As I recall from Emma, Daisy Lynn’s incision looks a lot smaller!

Here is Grandma holding her paw…


Ahhhhhhhh…look at that freckled shaved patty!  She has been going belly up showing Grandma and I all day her boo boo area.

Then, horrors of horrors she had to potty on the snow!  Burrrrrrrrr

Keep in mind she came from Denver in sub zero weather so she was probably used to it.


But Mama had a fire for her and her favorite toy ready…A teething ring!


Life is now warm in bassethoundtown…

More loving a quick recovery later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) sending the best healing slobbers!

Rugby Cobb Doyle, long time resident of bassethoundtown, June 1999 to January 21, 2013

January 25th, 2013 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Rugby Doyle Lovers….

Long time resident and great friend, Cindy Doyle sent her beloved Rugs over the bridge on January 21, 2013 due to complications from bloat.  I asked her write an obituary and I would post it in the town blog.

Rugby Cobb Doyle, long time resident of bassethoundtown, June 1999 to January 21, 2013

Rugby, aka Rugs or Ruggie was rescued by Lone Star Basset Hound Rescue in Houston and fostered by the Cobb family.  He came to rescue in awful shape.  He had mange so bad that he was almost hairless.  He also had heart worms and every intestinal worm there was.  He must have been severely mistreated because he was very jumpy.  It got better through the years but he taught me how to close drawers, cabinets and the dishwasher door very quietly.  His foster family nurtured him to health which took a while, then were kind enough to let us adopt him and to be able to enjoy our lives with his very sweet soul.

Through the years Rugs went to many rescue events and helped raise money for homeless hounds.  He was always ready for a stroll in the parades and was a good kissing hound to raise a buck.  He didn’t care too much for costumes but was a real sport when we dressed him up.  He helped us to rehabilitate and rehome 8 foster hounds.  And he acquired 2 additional hound siblings along the way.  He was wonderful with children of all ages, even infants.  He loved playing with the foster hounds and making friends.  He was just perfect.  There will never be another Rugs.  We were very blessed to be able to spend 8 1/2 years of our lives with him.

Rugby never had an enemy and made more friends than I can count.  There’s a slogan I used to always say, “Everybody loves Rugs”.

We will miss you sweet boy.  I know everyone is going to love you at the rainbow bridge.  Until we meet again.

With all our love,
Cindy, Ronald, Jethro, Ozzie and Harriet.


More loving Rugs Doyle later….Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) roaming around showing Rugs where everything is.

Little Daisy Lynn is all tucked in and resting under Emma’s gully…

January 24th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and all tucked in lovers…Well, our young Mayor is home and we are so glad.

I carried her up the back stairs, out to potty, and then she crawled into bed.

Grandma made sure she was covered up with the famous Emma gully.  Daisy was shivering a little bit and the Emma gully was the perfect answer.

I think we are in for a full night a rest and healing.

I am so glad that our girl is over this procedure.

Thank you residents for all of the well wishes for Little Baby Daisy Lynn.

More tip toeing around the town later…Love, Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) loving the gully has now been passed down…

She is out of surgery, waking up and doing great! Whew….

January 24th, 2013 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and out of spay surgery lovers… WHEW…Gawd I hate waiting but today it was hardly any wait at all.  We were out the door at about 8:40 this morning.  I planted the customary lipstick kiss on the forehead for good luck.

Then she was signed in and she was first in line for her procedure.

See that picture behind her?  hehehe

Then she was whisked off down the hall.

An hour and a half later I got the call that she did great and was waking up!  Grandma are going to pick her up at 2:30 sharp!  The doctor said she was very, very close to going into heat.  If at all possible you want to spay prior to the first heat cycle to prevent the possibility of breast cancer.

I am just so happy she has this checked off her list.  Now we will get her all healed up and before you know it spring will be here with all it’s glory.

Thank you residents for holding our paws through all of this.

More loving getting her home later….Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) sending healing drool…

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