Howllo Fellow Basset hound and Emma Lovers! Well, our Emma is now able to go down the back steps on her own. It is actually a very good exercise for her. I never let her go down with out being on hand to watch her. However, once she gets down I let her lay in the sun or walk around the back pavers by herself. She comes up the steps with much more ease than going down.
So, I watched her reach the bottom and went back to work. I went out on the deck a few minutes later to check on her. You can call me a helicopter mom! She had climbed up to a frightening level that was not blocked off. It was totally my fault. That area is normally blocked off by a flower pot. Not wanting to scare her to the point of freaking out like I was, I kept quiet.
This is a picture of the area. Where Chaps is standing is where she climbed up and was standing like a statue. She was past the barrel and facing a major drop off area.
This is not a picture from today!

When I got down to that level I could tell she was scared. I put my arms around her and just started telling her what a good girl she was for standing so still. I am still kicking myself in the butt for not putting that dang Terra cotta flower pot back where it belongs. You can see Emma trying to move pass it in this picture. I use it to block hound entry into a section that is unsafe. I am such a putz, idiot, dork, and more. I know that pot needs to be in place. Even blind, Emma is an explorer.
These events happen so quickly. I always think the worse. She could have fallen off that ledge, or whatever. Her back is so delicate. Oh, I just don’t want to even think about it.
Anyway, she let me turn her around with the greatest of ease. I could tell she really trusted me. I cannot lift Emma and I had to get her off of that ledge. I figured out she could do it if I lifted her front end first and her back end second. Why did I not move that flower pot back?
At that point the Mayor came to the rescue. (not the actual picture but this is exactly what it looked like)

This is the best part of the story. Emma was not wanting to do this maneuver and was pulling back from me. Chaps ran right to where I was going to do the big maneuver to get her off the ledge and started kissing her and whining.
I briefly thought of my camera only steps away. Nope, not this time, Emma was not to be left alone. Emma started getting excited and swinging her ears so she could feel where Chaps was standing. He was stomping his paws. At that point I lifted her front end down to that step and then her back end. They were both so excited. I could have never done it without the Mayor. He is our hero!

Again, not the actual picture but pretty much how it happened.
More hero stories later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
P.S. Grandma and I are going to Lowes tomorrow to get a picket fence section to block off that danger area. Again, thank you Chaps.