Cute Chaps picture of the day!

September 18th, 2008 - 2:02 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and cute picture lovers! I just think this is the cutest picture ever of our boy. He was still slightly damp after his bath on Saturday.

I am thrilled he is feeling so much better. Tomorrow he has a howling engagement to read the Lily Book to 60 kids! This little school has had him booked for months, so I was crushed that I might have to cancel. He is like a celebrity. The principle told me that he ranks right up there with the guy from the Cincinnati Zoo! Wow, the mayor has hit the big time!

Prior to reading the Lily Book, I give a dog safety talk for about 3 minutes. This way every kid knows how to approach Chaps after the reading. Everyone gets to pet him on the head and get their picture taken. It is so cute! I will post some pictures of his appearance tomorrow.

Have a nice afternoon, and –

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Rescue workers save 25 bassets at MO dog auction:(

September 17th, 2008 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Dog Auction haters: My dear friend, Chris Dowd, was involved in the rescue of 25 bassets from a Missouri dog auction last Saturday.

For those of you who do not know about Dog Auctions it means something like this…

The auctions are for breeders & millers who are getting rid of “stock” for a lot of varied reasons. Now I am told a lot of them are doing it because they can’t pay their feed bills. Other times it might be that a particular animal isn’t producing with their other dogs.

This time of year they are getting ready for the Holiday puppy season. Here is one of the breeding females saved from a life of hell. This is where pet shop puppies come from! Click on the picture to see how these Moms are treated.

Chris, one of the main rescue workers states,

“Last Saturday there was an auction in Missouri. We found out about it the Thursday morning before the auction and decided that we even though we hadn’t a clue about auctions – how they worked etc. – that we were going to get those bassets! The catalogue had 23 listed, but not all of them were there. We ended up with 15 adults and 10 puppies. Sadly, one of the pups (who I named Angel) was too weak to survive. The only consolation is that she died at the vet’s office in the arms of people who loved her. The poor baby was only 3-4 weeks old and had probably never known the love of a human before.”

Here is her picture:

Here are her surviving siblings:

Chris goes on to state,

“By working frantically (there were 3 of us involved by now) we managed to get commitments from rescues and thought we had someone to represent us at the auction. But then that person got sick with the flu. Panic time! Miraculously we were put in touch with the people who ended up doing the bidding for us. Not only did they do the bidding, they transported all the dogs to the vet clinic for us and are coordinating their care. What angels they are.

During the auction – for reasons unknown to us – not all the dogs in the catalogue were there. This is not uncommon. Deals are made on the side, breeders decide to keep someone at the last minute – and I’m sure a lot of other things can happen. So we got everyone we could. They will go to rescues, then foster care and finally furever homes! We’re told that they are very friendly and don’t have the fears that so many mill dogs have.”

Look at these safe souls!

All of these bassets are going to different rescues. There is a PayPal account set up that AZ Basset Hound Rescue will distribute the funds to. Please keep in mind, this is a group effort and these hounds are being accepted by rescues far and wide.

Here is the PayPal account address. If you wish to send money, go to and send money to this address. As you can see it is made out to The Kansas 9. This was another situation of similar circumstances that AZ has in place to funnel money to the correct rescues. I know it sounds complicated, but trust me, the money will get to the MO hounds if you put that in her message box. Here is the address.

Chris Dowd is one of the best basset hound friends ever. I love you Chris. You do such great work. Let me know how things are going and I can keep blogging about it. That sweet Mommy hound really touched my soul. Can you imagine keeping a sweet looking hound like her locked up? I wish I knew someone from a real life Soprano family.

Lights out!

More later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Chaps is feeling better – Wednesday evening!

September 17th, 2008 - 4:04 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and feeling better lovers: As many of you know I like to update my blog early and often. Well, today I was just not able to. Things have been so hectic since Chaps had his incident. We still don’t know what caused it but my nephew did a pet CSI investigation today and had some really good suggestions via his research. It was so cool how he did an entire investigation, almost minute to minute from the time of Chaps bath to the time of the face swelling.

What he means by Face Mask is the snood Chaps was wearing. I had dropped it on the floor and he thought I should have washed it prior to putting it on Chaps. (good point)

Julian wound up throwing away their tooth brushes, their tooth paste, and their shampoo which was out of date.

Julian is still off school due to the massive power outage. Julian and his Mom came over today to take showers and have fun!!!!

Chaps and Emma really enjoyed the company. It was really good medicine for both of them.

Look how good Chappers looks today vs yesterday!

Here he is, back in his cubicle at my office. (he has a window view)

As you can see almost all of the swelling is gone.
I have to thank Sandy Gaston for that! She gave me some fantastic advise for applying warm sea salt compresses to his snout. I also did a warm Chamomile compress. Sandy is extremely knowledgeable about holistic medicine and I cannot wait to learn more.

It seems like we are going to be back to our happy go lucky selves soon!

More updates later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. I filmed most of the pet CSI investigation. This not to be missed drama will keep you riveted to the edge of your seat.

Resting comfortably with the Mayor!

September 16th, 2008 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and checking on the Mayor Lovers:

Chaps is doing great. His swelling is down and he is really cottoning up to Emma. She has been trying so hard to be his therapy dog.

It is so cute. She runs to his side ever time he whimpers.

Then I saw this!~

Look how she has her legs pressed on his head! Chaps is allowing this behaviour because he needs the presssue of Emma on him.

This is just wonderful.

Some time a bit of a kick to the head is all a boy dog needs! All kidding aside.

Our guy is on the road to recovery. THANK GOD! I will be updating you soon.

Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

Tuesday update on the Mayor!!!

September 16th, 2008 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo fellow hound and Mayor lovers: I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone on the Mayor’s condition. I took him to the vet today and we just got home. If you have any ideas about what this is, please comment.

First off, his vet thinks he will be just fine.

I got up about 2:00am this morning to give Emma her eye drops that she needs every four hours. Chaps was on the couch and I went in to check on him. I lightly touched his lip/cheek area and I felt what I thought was a bug bite. I went and got my flash light, glasses, and a magnifying glass and set up the examination area. He was so tired, so he let me inspect pretty closely.

I only looked on one side because that is how he was laying. I was able to part the fur a bit and it looked like a red abrasion that was slightly ozing. It was about the size a pinky finger nail. So, I applied some Hydrogen Peroxide to the site. He still looked swollen and his lip area was still thick in places. I gave him another benadryl and went back to bed.

This morning he looked no better! That really worried me so I called the vet.

The vet examined him really good and saw something I did not. He has that same abrasion on the other lip/cheek area as well. They are symmetrical. Due to this, the vet thought it was NOT a bug bite. He said it could be an allergic reaction of some sort. He thought his eyes looked extra red, but they look the same to me. The vet said that his teeth looked great, no problems there. He is treating Chaps with Cephalexin 750mgs twice a day. I am also spraying betagen on each abrasion, twice a day. He also got an injection of dexamethasone.

My vet and the vet tech told me not to worry. They have seen this before. They just don’t know what causes it, but most likely it is an allergic reaction.

Chaps is already feeling better, but I was wondering if anyone else has ever seen this?

I tried to take a picture for everyone.

Here is the side of Chaps’ face

and here is the cropped version of this picture

That same exact abrasion area is on the other side of his face in the same spot.

Thank you everyone for caring so much about the Mayor. He is sleeping right now.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. I will update later tonight.

Update on the Mayor

September 15th, 2008 - 7:07 pm KY Time

He is still swollen. I fed him his dinner with a spoon 4 hours after his normal time. I will update his fans in the morning. He still looks a bit pathetic.

A bit of drool is in order. Thanks……

I really am lucky!

September 15th, 2008 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Luck lovers: Wow, this usually never happens to me. 98 percent of Duke Energy customers in Northern KY are without power. It could be 3 to 7 days before everyone is restored! It is going to take longer because Duke sent crews to TX to help restore their power.

I wonder how I got so lucky?

We were wondering if it had anything to do with the Chief of Police and the Mayor of our town living on our street? Whatev! I’ll take that over Polka any day.

P.S. Chaps just walked out side to check on tree climbers he heard. I think he is feeling better. He is still swollen.

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. The Govenor of KY just declaired a state of emergency!

Thank God no one was in this car.

OMG! It appears the Mayor has been bit by a Spider!

September 15th, 2008 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Spider haters! OMG – I woke up this morning and noticed that Chaps was not in bed. This was somewhat strange. So, I glanced down at him and I noticed that his face looked swollen. It was still pretty dark, so I thought I better check it out closer. Sure nuff – he was swollen! Pretty bad!

I always keep Benadryl on hand for such emergencies. Chaps has been stung before and has had the same or worse reaction. The worse reaction was this look on his face and hives all over his body. He was not panting or drooling so I let the Benadryl take effect for 30 minutes. His swelling started to come down, but I have no idea when he was bit or stung. He went to bed last night at 10:00 just fine. It kind of creeps me out that a spider might have been in our bed!

The winds were hurricane force yesterday so I am thinking a lot of spiders may have been blown out of their webs. The poor Mayor may have encountered a frightened spider. Here is the Mayor now, several hours after his first Benadryl.

He ate his breakfast, drank water and went out for his morning potty. His grandma and grandpa came down to analyse the situation. Grandma and I took his tempature and it was 102.3 which is within a normal range.

He is sleeping now. I will update all of his fans later in the day.

Poor Mayor – please drool for him!

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

One million without power in my area!

September 15th, 2008 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and power lovers: Wow, yesterday we had a may-jah wind storm! It must have been from IKE because in all of my live long days I have never seen or heard winds like this. The weather stations are reporting that they were near hurricane force. There are trees down everywhere, power lines in the streets, and hound dogs hiding under desks.

I know this is no comparison to what the folks in TX went through. We only had a small taste and I did not like it. Our power went off at 2:30pm yesterday while I was working on my ad for the Bugler. I am doing a fancy, fancy ad in an upcoming issue and crack – down the power went.

Wait a minute? No Internets, no I-Tunes, no AC, no TV, my heart started racing. Then, the neighbor’s tree almost came into my house, so I had something solid to worry about.

Here is what it looks like this morning on my street.

Click the picture for more detail. See that stump? Well, that is the tree that almost came into my home. I was pretty impressed when 2 strappin’ dudes showed up and fixed the problem within hours of it happening. That kept me occupied for about an hour. A little wine, a little cheese, a lot of beef cake!

Then they left. Now what do I do? Fingers druming…..drum, drum, drum. Maybe I will get out the crank gizmo. It really is a snappy emergency item! It has a flash light, an emergency blinker – siren and an antenna! You can charge your cell phone and listen to music all by cranking a handle. Wow!

I-Tunes it is not. Crank, Crank, Crank

Yes, I reached the outside world! Crank, crank, crank……..

I spent the next 20 minutes listening to Polka tunes through static and I had to work for it!

Maybe just one more glass of wine!

Our power came back on later that night but we were one of the lucky ones. Massive power outages are still being reported.

20 minutes of Polka was enough for me.

More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

Oh happy days???? Who are these pups?

September 13th, 2008 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and pup lovers!

I have no idea who these pup lovers are, but I love the video!

Are they cute or what?

More Happy Days Later………Cat, Chaps and Emma

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