Go Team!
From Left to right we have, Jackie the basset, Allyson, Jr. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, (congratulations on that!), Alana (little sister) and Kim the basset. This photo was taken by Paul Dusza, see link at top of post.
He is the official bassetographer NTBHR. You should check out his website. It has a bunch of cute bassets. If Chaps, Emma and I lived closer I would hire him in a heart beat. Great work Paul. I will be checking you out often!
This wonderful photograph was Janet’s 2006 Christmas Card. Janet is a basset foster Mom to Kelly and board member of North Texas Basset Hound Rescue, Inc. I bet a few droolers recognize this card. It is one of my absolute favorites! More Later….Cat, Chaps and Emma
Great work Paul!! I love all of the basset photos, they are absolutely beautiful!