I am an old hound, a poem by Cathy L. Rudert

March 27th, 2007 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Here is my tribute to Devon and the old hounds. I know many of you voted. Please tell Devon you are still with her. I hope you enjoy my poem. Love, Cat

I am an old hound,
my age comes much too soon.
It is hard for me to slow down,
My heart feels like a young pup in June.


Remember when you call my name,
I may not hear your sound.
Just tap me, ever so lightly,
and I will turn right around.


They say the nose is the last to go,
so you may be a smell I see.
But it is the smell of love, it’s you,
reaching out to me.


I am an old hound, I may trip along the way.
But I am thankful for the lift you give me every single day.
I have never been a taker,
the gift of giving is all I know.


Thank you for returning the favor.
Forever our hearts will grow.
I am an old hound, my age comes much too fast.
I will always remember you, our love will last and last.



  1. March 27th, 2007 | 11:42 pm

    Between abc.com, my regular phone and my cell phone managed to get 15 votes in for Devon. Also woke several people to get them to call in votes. HERE’S HOPING!!!

  2. March 27th, 2007 | 11:43 pm

    Dear Cat,
    I absolutely love your poem. It really touches my heart. It says it all. I know Natalie, Chlo and Lily are all smiling down from above.
    With love,

  3. Ken Johnson
    March 28th, 2007 | 12:00 am

    Cat, i love the poem, Devon did a fantastic job on the show.I voted the max. allowed online. I’m
    still trying to get through on my cell, Ken

  4. March 28th, 2007 | 12:13 am

    Cat, your poem brought tears to my eyes. I don’t know if you remember my elderly foster Dolly. She was at the Bash here in Atlanta. We lost her last month, and I still miss the old girl terribly.

  5. Audra, Colby & Abby
    March 28th, 2007 | 1:37 am

    Cat….I loved your poem. I miss my old bassets too, and their precious graying faces. They depart from us way too soon. I remember the long walks I use to take Joshua on everyday, and then it was just a walk down the drivway because that was as far as he could go — they never leave our hearts!

  6. Sandra, Hudson & Morgan
    March 28th, 2007 | 7:07 am

    I voted for Devon online 5 times, and was even able to vote internationally with my cell phone. Yay! Go Devon.

  7. March 28th, 2007 | 10:11 pm

    We voted as many times as we could on phone and e-mail both my daughter and I -we weren’t sure they would let us vote from Canada but they did indeed. I was very sad to see what the results were as I feel Devon had a wonderful dream and it had purpose and from the heart. Good Luck Devon and all of you are doing a wonderful thing keep it up your love will see you through. Sue

  8. Bob the DOg
    March 30th, 2007 | 11:29 pm

    Loved the poem!!!

  9. November 28th, 2007 | 10:31 am

    Hi boys!bd9042

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