3-29-08 and the gold pours in!

March 29th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and striking gold lovers:

Look what just poured into our P.O.Box today! It is the biggest haul yet. Thanks go out to Kelly, Blixen and Marley! We are pie eyed with the generous donation! IMG_4142.JPG

Folks, I cannot wait to see what this is worth! I will be reporting that total shortly.

This is sooooo much fun!
Today I went to Ft. Thomas Jewelry Store and turned in the last items I blogged about and received a check for: 101.40!!! I kissed the check and danced out the door!


For everyone’s information, I am putting all of the gold pictures and amounts I get for it on my home page, right under the talking Chaps.


This is a dedicated page for the Gold Rush. As many of you know, blogs move fast and postings drop away quick.

The amount listed above is for the gold received from Audra, Marilyn (HOP), Linda and Brandon!

Brandon is my friend and son of Lisa, my friend and graphic designer. He is one sweet boy! Look what he donated! He also donated an ID bracelet that turned out not to be gold, but if it would have been, it most likely would have brought in the largest amount yet. This just shows where his heart is. I love you Brandon.




Thanks Brandon. You rock our world and Chaps and Emma love you really hard. Emma cannot thank you enough for cheering up her days with your visits.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. March 29th, 2008 | 9:45 pm

    Diamonds may be a girls best friend but it’s definitely gold for the senior hounds. Yahoo! Thank you, Kelly!!!

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