From one Mayor to another….
Howllo Fellow Hound and Mayor lovers:
We set off this morning to donate a case of Lily books to the
Northern KY Woman’s Crisis Center. We could think of no better way to honor the late Junior Cochran, Mayor of Rabbit Hash, KY and spokespet for the
Northern KY Women’s Crisis Center Pet Protection Program.
Here we are loaded into the Element. It is a tight squeeze, but look how good we look! Emma was having the time of her life. Chaps was a bit worried he was going to the vet, because we went yesterday to get toe nails clipped.
We met the cutest little red headed boy with his Mom and the kids went nuts. That little boy was smiling from ear to ear. Here I am pictured with Brandon. He met me there with his Mom, Lisa so he could carry the case of books and help me with the kids. Brandon is a great guy that I LOVE! Thank-you Brandon for helping me! Lisa, I hope that Chaps did not make you pull a muscle! hehehehe!
You might not be able to read the poster behind me but it says, “In a violent family everyone could be a victim”. It shows a downtrodden dog. wants to help! We plan on donating more books and other items that they need. I will keep you posted. Chaps has offered his services as the Center’s Pet Protection Program Spokespet. If he does not get the job, he will help whoever does.
It was a great Take Your Dog To Work Day! Our pay was that little red headed boy’s smile!
More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma
What a wonderful day you all must have had. The greatest gift we can receive is the gift of giving and you guys know that better than anybody. How cute are Chappers and Emmers. Cat, you look fabulous.
We love ya,
Kip, Gus and Bonnie
Thank you for letting us share in your giving! Brandon LOVES to do anything with you guys. He loves his auntie Kit Cat! And Chaps did not make me pull a muscle, but boy can I see how that could happen. It was so cute how he wanted to go over and say hi to that little boy in need.
Love you!