Today is Take your Dog to Work Day! Yeah!
Howllo Fellow Hounds and take your dog to work day lovers:
Chaps and Emma are getting ready for their big day of going to work. Since they work with me everyday out of my home we will venture out to other work environments. Our most important stop will be the Woman’s Crisis Center of Northern Kentucky. We are going to deliver a case of 40 Lily books in honor of their dearly departed spokespet, Junior.
Junior was the elected Mayor of a small town in Northern KY called Rabbit Hash. This is all very true folks! Below is his picture with the article just published in the paper. This is where I got the idea to donate a case of Lily books in his honor to the Woman’s Crisis Center. It will be a privilege.
Mayor Junior passed away on May 17th, just 2 days shy of his 13th birthday. Thankfully, he did not have to be euthanized, (which was especially easier on his “people”), and mainly died of old age. Although Junior was diagnosed with lymphoma last fall, he was able to live well in his remaining days.
According to the Mayor’s owner, Jane Cochran, “Junior died peacefully in his yard after taking a long pee and smelling the flowers.”
Evidently Junior loved being mayor of Rabbit Hash. “He’d get so excited when we’d get out his red, white and blue bandanna. He tried to serve his town well,” Jane added.
Junior was born and raised in Rabbit Hash, KY. A working retriever, Junior traveled by car extensively around the country. His all-time favorite states (besides KY and OH) were Texas, Montana and North Dakota. He also donated his time to help others and served as the “spokesdog” for the Northern KY Women’s Crisis Center Pet Protection Program.
Junior was buried next to his mother, Belle, and his father, Herb in the woods on the Cochran property. We will all surely miss him here in Rabbit Hash.
—-end of article—–
I think Lily will touch a lot of women and children. She would be very proud of herself.
Please stay tuned for more updates as our visit unfolds.
Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma
WOW….what a wonderful tribute to a very special dog!! I know the women and children will love the Lily book just as much as I!!! It is a beautiful story and will be enjoyed by all!! Have a great day!!! Love and Hugs…Sis (CA)
Cat, what a wonderful thing for you guys to do. I know they will love the books. I also know the Mayor and Emmers will be a big hit.
We love you guys,
Kip Gus and Bonnie