Is Chaps an old man?
Howllo Fellow Hound and aging hound lovers! Is my baby boy an old man? I kind of got a wake up call this week when my vet told me that Chaps needed a geriatric blood panel done prior to his teeth cleaning. My heart kind of sunk and I said, “geriatric”?
My vet said, “Cat he is going to be 8 years old this year, that is considered geriatric”.
I looked down at my old man and I did see a whiter face, less freckles on that beautiful snout, more grey around the eyes.
He is my old man and I am going to take care of him. Let’s get that geriatric blood panel and get this guy’s teeth cleaned. It is so important for their health.
It is going to cost about 300 dollars and it is worth every penny! I will let you know when his appointment is.
More Later…Love, Cat, Chaps, and Emma
P.S. I wonder if Emma had anything to do with that extra grey hair? hehehehe
Isn’t it amazing Cat how your love and devotion grows with each passing year. I remember the day Gus came into my life at 6 weeks old and he is now three and he is basically my heartbeat. Then we added Baroots to the clan and I fell in love all over again. What a joy they bring our lives. They can actually become our lives. That is how special our houndies our. Mayor, you may be eight but you still a pup with a lot of hard mayoral duties ahead.
Kip Gus and Bonnie
Samantha at House of Puddles lived to be 18! 8 is middle aged in my book! Chaps is just getting more houndsome as he ages.
Not to worry, Cat. My Bubbles just celebrated her 13th Gotcha Day (an Ohio Basset Rescue alumni) and two weeks before her Gotcha Day she had surgery and had a huge cyst removed, her ear deep clean, her teeth cleaned, three warts lasered off, and to add insult to injury, her nails trimmed! She came through with flying colors and was giving the vet techs heck within 3 hours of the surgery. That’s my girl! LOL. Chaps is still a pup in our book!
Judy, Maxwell ATB, Bubbles & Fred
Cat , I think he is just as handsome as ever,Gray hair is just a color, Thats what I tell myself all the time. LOL He is young at heart and that is what counts. Give him a big hug for me and tell him that Vet is full of Beans. Big Hugs Ken
When we were adopting Cindy Lou at age 9, I thought “Oh no! She’s a Grandma!” But, much to our delight she’s a rowdy, happy, rocket-dog girl who makes our Aussie look lazy. Chaps is still quite gorgeous and the blood panel is one of the best things you can do for him. The gray just means they’ve experienced life!
Ah, I am touched by all of the comments. Chaps has so many friends. Thanks to everyone! I love hearing about all of the hounds. We love you, Cat, Chaps and Emma
Chaps you just more handsone with each passing day!!
Remember what I told your Mommy age, is just a number and you are young at heart!! We love you!!!
Chaps, you have the most handsome face ever, and you’re still a spring chicken! Wear that gray with pride. My momma always used to tell me that I’m not old until I hit the double digits. Well, I guess I’m officially “old”, but I’m still mommy’s little puppy.
Slobbery licks,