Update on Rudy

July 26th, 2008 - 6:06 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Rudy Lovers: I called the Campbell County Animal Shelter last night to check on our Rudy. He was still at the shelter. His owners had been called a total of 4 times with no return phone call. My contact told me that, “Oh, this happens every day, and more and more because of the economy”. Yes folks our Rudy is a sign of the harsh times. But not for long! My friend and fellow rescuer, Chris Dowd has agreed to board Rudy if his owners do not pick him up by Monday at close of business.

Everyone who has met him, loves him. They keep raving about what a good boy he is. So sweet and loves other dogs

I will call this morning to check on him. They open at 9:00 and close at 1:00. I am leaving today at 9:30 to go get my nephew. We are going to have a weekend of fun. I was hoping to pop over to the shelter to check on Rudy, but my contact said that it might be too hectic because they are short help.

As the details unfold, I will update everyone who is pulling for our Rudy.

Thanks for all of the comments.

More about our Rudy later….Cat, Chaps, Emma and our Rudy!


  1. kipandgus
    July 26th, 2008 | 10:24 am

    Cat, you and Chris are the best!
    Kip, Gus and Bonnie

  2. Limber/Linda
    July 26th, 2008 | 3:16 pm

    oh, Hooray and Wahoooooooo!

    Thanks so much you angels!!!

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