Emma on my mind!

September 20th, 2008 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound and Emma lovers: I just wanted to update her followers on her prosthetic eye. It does not look good. Remember how I reported that she had a deep corneal abrasion? Well, it has been almost a week and it does not look any better, possibly a bit worse. We have an appointment on Thursday, but I am going to call on Monday to see if we can get in earlier.

My goodness, if it is not one thing it is another.

Poor Emma. For those of you who do not know. A prosthetic eye is placed behind the real cornea of a dog’s eye. The fake eye moves and tracks towards sounds. It is totally for the human. I feel so sorry for Emma. I hate that she might need to have the prosthetic removed.

I am really kicking myself over this one.

When I was looking for a pup, I thought I would try a top notch, reputable AKA – BHCA breeder. I wanted to avoid this type of condition.

I was so anxious to get a healthy hound. I did everything in my power. I had so many expenses with Chloe and Lily. Chloe was from a puppy mill and Lily was a stray.

I found out later that Emma had bilateral, abnormal drainage angles. Not only was she compromised from the beginning, but the breeders knew about it. I achieved the exact opposite of my original goal.

I had no idea what this CERF eye examination meant. This link will take you to the CERF website that is a wealth of knowledge.

If you decide to go to an AKC reputable BHCA breeder for a pup and that breeders does this eye examination, make sure you review it with your breeder. The pup you purchase should have a normal eye examination. The breeder needs to give you a copy of the examination report. If you have any questions, just contact me via my contact page.

I will update everyone on Emma’s condition soon.

Emma is thrilled to have so many folks who care about her. Thank you

More later…Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. BJ
    September 21st, 2008 | 9:07 am

    OGM Cat….Poor Emma she has been so brave through all…..and now this!! I know you must be worried out of your mind…as well as all of her fans. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    We love you!!!

  2. Candace Wilson
    September 21st, 2008 | 10:54 am

    Oh, Emma. We are sending all our positive energy to you and your Mommy from up north.

    Cat – I know how worried you are. But, you know, that Emma couldn’t be in better hands than yours!

    We are anixous to hear what the vet says.

    hugs and slurps.


  3. September 22nd, 2008 | 8:26 am

    She has an appointment this morning – Monday. I will keep you posted. She looks a bit worse this morning. Sigh

  4. Chris
    September 22nd, 2008 | 8:35 am

    Cat, I’m just catching up with the blogs – I’m so sorry to hear about Emma. She;s been through so much. I’m glad she has all her 2-leggers & Chaps to help her.

    Lots of drool from the tons of houndies out here.


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