The Canaday Hounds show off ears for the record books!

July 7th, 2009 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Corgi/dachshund mixes lovers! This is just too much fun as you can see from LuLu and her Mommy going to K-Mart to purchase a soft measuring tape for gathering official basset hound town ear measurements! As you can see, LuLu loves to ride in the cart like any other kid!


After they got home it was a fight to the finish. Her Mom states,

“Lulu was incredibly hard to get to sit still for the pictures. My husband took about 50 other blurry pictures of the wild thing resisting her measurements. We thinks she is embarrassed they aren’t as long as most bassets but she is still growin’!”

LuLu checks in with the very precise measurement of 8.214387 inches! I am still enjoying that detail!


One more for the record books, that is until she re-submits her measurements after she is fully growed up! hehehe


Next up for our ear measurement pleasure is Bodacious Brutus.

Mommy states, “Brutus enjoyed the measuring because it required no effort on his part. Brutus enjoys it when he can just lay down and be touched. (also it looks as if his ear is being stretched but I assure you it is not. It is actually resting on the rolling cooler)!

Thank you for that assurance Trisha! Here is the big guy with his submission of 7.5 inches!


Very respectable indeed!

Now moving on to Jaws! Drum roll please………….JAWS! Not to be out done this corgi/dachshund mix wants to go down in history!

His Mom states, “He was dumped off at one of my Dad’s construction sites and I thought he was so cute so I kept him. My parents live on acreage and have a few dro offs in addition to their bassets. I have had Jaws for almost 9 years. He used to
bite my nephews and drew blood on me the first time I met him so I named him
Jaws. He has since lost all of his teeth except four of them so the name
doesn’t fit so well now!”

Oh Jaws, we love you all the same in bassethoundtown! Show us your stuff!


The Canaday Hounds are now a part of history for eons and eons!

Your ear data will be recorded and preserved as the precious information it is!

More riding in K-Mart carts later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma


  1. MaureenandSlinky
    July 8th, 2009 | 9:35 am

    Slinky is giving me quite a lot of trouble with this task, but mark my words “I will win”!

  2. MaureenandSlinky
    July 8th, 2009 | 9:35 am

    Also, I tried the cart thing with Slinky, she just jumps out!

  3. Trisha, Jaws, Lulu, and Brutus
    July 8th, 2009 | 11:35 am

    The only reason she was calm in the cart is because she had spent about 2 hours at the dog park prior to K-mart. That puppy has jumped out of my convertable on the road before….talk about a scare! No more tops down for herz!

    Thanks again Cat for making my hounds famous!

  4. Cindy, Jethro, Rugby, Ozzie and Harriet
    July 8th, 2009 | 1:35 pm

    K-Mart lets you bring your dog in? Down here they wouldn’t allow that. I wish they would! I doubt any of mine would stay in it anyway. It is so funny how we perceive what our dogs are thinking. And I’ll bet we’re right on the money!

  5. Cat
    July 8th, 2009 | 1:39 pm

    I would no more be able to lift Chaps or Emma to the cart than the man in the moon. It would take a small hydraulic lift from aisle 8 with 4 employees helping. LOL

  6. Susan
    August 14th, 2009 | 9:47 am

    May three month old Basset’s ears are 9.5 inches. Will they get longer?!

  7. Susan L. cooper
    September 6th, 2009 | 8:56 pm

    Homer’s ears are 9.5 the last time I measured

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