Facebook find of the day……

June 8th, 2011 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and “I will never get another puppy” lovers…..I swore to my Mom, after I had puppy Emma, I would never have another puppy ever again. It was so hard.

But I think I changed my mind….


I want this facebook pup. I found the picture and then I lost my spot so I have no idea who this little treasure is…..

I wonder what the Mayor would think? Just kidding…..I would never do that to himz…..

More loving this pup later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

PS – What do you think Grandma?

Is this one of the most pathetic pics you have ever seen?

June 7th, 2011 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and wondering about pathetic pic lovers. I know, I know. Who wants to view a pathetic picture?

Last night I was sitting in the living room watching some TV. I was surfing the net as the kids were surfing their dreams. Chaps woke up with a start and it was like he heard thunder! Himz got so scared. I knew almost instantly that it must have been a bad dream.

I said….”Do you want to get in your storm cage?”

He walked right over……and…..

Photo on 2011-06-06 at 18.15

got in! I was shocked! I sat on that pillow in front of the cage for about 2 minutes. He curled up like a ball and slept for about an hour.

He didn’t even stretch out to the length, he wanted to scrunch up in the width.

He may have looked pathetic but we are loving us our storm cage.

Real storm or dream storm….it doesn’t matter……

More thinking the Mayor is amazing later….Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma

P.S. I took pathetic pic with my lap top. hehehe

Falling in Love with Lavender….

June 5th, 2011 - 12:12 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Lavender Lovers….OMD! I love lavender and I can’t for the life of me understand why I have not planted it in the past. Yesterday, Grandma and I went to the garden center (AGAIN)!

Immediately we were drawn to the new crop of lavender….


We filled our cart proudly with the purple plants! Grandma said that we must plant them where the hounds can brush up against it to perfume their coats. I fell in love with the idea!

I was sitting outside this morning deciding where to plant our lovely lavender when the Mayor came out to assist.


What about over by the fence Mommy? I like to explore in that region…..


Here we have the Mayor walking past the lavender. I kind of brushed his coat with the leaves…


Mommy, what are your doing?


I explained to the Mayor howl the lovely lavender will help to keep certain odors down and potentially delay a bath!!!!!!

The Mayor fell in love with the idea and proclaimed his executive decision….


“Buy more lavender”……


Lavender field in France…


More falling in love with lavender later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

Wild birds love us in bassethoundtown!

June 4th, 2011 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow basset hound and wild bird lovers……We are certainly one of those in bassethoundtown. Do you want to know why wild birds love us? Water and worms! This female cardinal was just having a heck of a time this morning after I turned on the sprinkler…..


She danced around that fence for about a good 15 minutes just playing and playing in the water. It was soooooo cute!


Here is one of her best moves of the day. Dance little red girl, dance!


This one cracked me up. She knew exactly where to stand so the spray would hit her cute bird body!


And off she flew…all clean and new……



More loving the wild birds as much as they love us later……Cat, Chaps and Emma

Finding just the right geraniums……

June 4th, 2011 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and geranium lovers…..We have the coolest nursery right down the street only a few minutes away. I love this place. I have been going to this nursery for about 50 years. Soooooooooooo much fun! Yesterday we were on the mission to find the perfect geraniums for our yard. Check out the geranium green house! Can you see Grandma back there?


What about this one?


See those pink ones in the front? We bought about 8 of those. They are electric neon in color. Just blinding pink. I love them!

So does the Mayor!


“Mommy……are these things treats? Maybe Candy?….hehehe”!


More loving blinding bright geraniums later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma

OK, 18 million folks have viewed this, have you?

June 2nd, 2011 - 1:01 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and not loving cat lovers….I am just not a cat person. In fact they kind of freak me out. Anyway, this video has gone viral and I have run across it all over the internet but I had never viewed it. Well, today I caved in and now it is on my blog! It is sooooooooooooo cute!

More glad I caved in later…..Cat, Chaps and Emma (we need a hug!)

PS, make that 18 million and 1!

Pink Patty and Pink Flowers……

June 1st, 2011 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Pink Patty and Flower Lovers…..Today Grandma and I were planting some of our flowers and enjoying the vitamin D.

So was our Emma! She was laying in the morning sunlight, baking her Pretty Pink Patty! It was still early so we let her lay a little longer than we normally do.


In his normal fashion, the Mayor was worried and glued to our sides….


More loving the color Pink later….Cat, Chaps and Emma

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