A vote for Emma is a donation for Sr. Hounds Abound!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Voting for Emma Lovers…..OK, who is not one of those? NO BODY! OK, so many of the dear residents of bassethoundtown have noticed Emma in her pink rain coat trying to raise money for Sr. Hounds Abound. So far she is doing pretty good having raised 202 dollars. We would like to extend a special thank you to Marilyn at HOP for making a nice donation in Emma’s honor. I love folks who love old hounds. Did you know that about me? hehehe
So, will you vote for Emma? It only costs a dollar per vote!
If you don’t want to send money via the methods suggested on the voting site you can send me money and then I will send it to Sr. Hounds Abound.
P.O. BOX 347
FT. THOMAS, KY 41075
If Emma is one of the top 12 earners she will get a month in the 2012 calendar. I really want her to have the year of her birth. April!
A vote for Emma is a donation for Sr. Hounds Abound! YES!
More counting the votes later! Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma (little first born in her litter)
I cam sending you a check for $5.00 (five votes) for OUR EMMA!.
The check is going out today!
Ok everybody, we have to get Emma’s votes up. There is one that already has more than 500 votes! There are 7 hounds ahead of her and others that are too close for comfort. Our Emma has to win! Of all hounds, she deserves a month. So, let’s help Emma and the Bounders…
I sent you a check for $5.00, for five votes for Our Emma. You should receive it Monday or Tuesday. Let me know when it arrives.
Miss Emma certainly has Grandma’s votes. She would look great for April all deck out in her raincoat and it’s her birthday!
Sherman just sent 5 votes via PayPal for sweet Emma. What a beautiful calendar girl!
Thanks everyone! I am so excited about Emma in the race for a month in the 2012 Sr. Hounds Abound Calendar. Chaps won a month 2 years ago. This is SHA big fundraiser for the year. Don’t forget, you can buy a calendar as well! I will be blogging about that shortly!
Kay, just to let you know it takes awhile for the votes to show up. Wendi that runs SHB will send you an e-mail! Thank you very much! Emma is thrilled!
Count me in too, Cat. Emma deserves a month. Watch your PO box !
We voted! Emma and April belong together. 🙂
Bumper and Abby just voted 5 times for Emma! Hope she wins – no one is cuter than our very own girl!
HOORAY! Emma has two more votes. I love this picture of Our Emma, but my favorite is the one of her in the sweater with the faux hood.
Actually, Maureen – I added 10 dollars to her tally last night and I still have not added your 5 yet. I am going to do that later. I am so excited!
WOW! Our Emma has 399 votes HOORAY
Cat the Lee family will give you a check tomorrow for $20. Go Emma Go!
Oops… I meant we will give you the check when you come over for burgers on Thursday!
That sounds great Aunt Caryn! Thank you so much! Love your niece, Emma!