Romeo has his paws full…

February 16th, 2013 - 12:12 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Romeo’s Paws Full Lovers…Baby Daisy is obsessed with RoRo!  Himz, not so much…

Where ever Romeo is, Daisy follows….


Romeo is so good with her, but he does like his napping…


Does this puppy ever sleep?

Time for a short power nap…


And she is back up with full puppy power…

Enzo watches from under the chair…


I would say that Daisy is having more fun than the old men.  I can tell she is trying to be alpha and for now the old men are hoping for another puppy power nap!

More puppy power later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) heheheing…


  1. Sandy (Ollie's mom)
    February 16th, 2013 | 12:20 am

    LOL!!! cute & funny. Thank goodness the old men are good with her. She is having a good time with them. I remember when I would watch one of my grand dogs & I had the dog before Ollie – the games they would play. How old are Romeo & Enzo?? Ollie is 6 yrs & still full of energy.

  2. joni brooks
    February 16th, 2013 | 7:58 am

    How cute Cat. Puppy’s do wear you out.

  3. February 16th, 2013 | 8:29 am

    Very funny! Enzo under the chair looking at Romeo “look out, she’s up again!”. Poor babies, brought to their knees by a small Mayor.

  4. Cindy, Jethro, Oz, Harriet and (Rugs ATB)
    February 16th, 2013 | 10:03 am

    Trying to be alpha? Daisy WILL be alpha. And I’m not saying that cuz she is the mayor. I’m saying that because she is female. Seems like the female always ends up being the alpha. In our household, Jethro is alpha. But…he has no choice but to let Harriet play the part. There was some blood several times before I finally talked Jethro in to just letting Harriet rule.

    It wil be interesting watching this pack and seeing how it all ends up. I’m glad the boys are good with Daisy Lynn. Your are so lucky in that respect.

  5. Judy, Bumper and Abby
    February 16th, 2013 | 10:17 am

    This is so much like our house when Brian brings his puppy Lucy over. Bumper and Abby absolutely hate it. She never naps and I have seen my very laid back hounds actually show their teeth at her. Abby runs upstairs and leaves the big guy to deal with the puppy problem. Hopefully they will all be friends when the puppies grow up!!

  6. Cat
    February 16th, 2013 | 12:31 pm

    Sandy – Romeo is fairly young at about 4 I think but he acts really old. Enzo acts like he is 13 but he is only about 7, I think. Today’s pupdate is really good. I have had the Baby Mayor in the mix all day. Things are really moving in the right direction. Daisy Lynn is really smart and is learning not to jump on either one of them. I am watching her like a hawk. I have some more cute pictures to post soon!

  7. lois & the jersey devils
    February 16th, 2013 | 3:06 pm

    that pix of her sitting in the living room is too funny…she is being a puppy & they are being older dogs & all is right with the world! they know she is the “mayor” of the house & in charge so they shouldn’t harm her. at some point some snarling will erupt & there will be puppy screams..let them sort it what she needs to learn…only jump in if real danger blood. honestly if they haven’t killed her already she is safe,

    puppies learn by being annoying & then getting yelled at. it’s like kids. gotta go thru the process & then come out the other side a better dog. hard to watch & let it happen sometimes..but trust the boys to not go i said if she is still alive now then you are ok. he is a mastiff after all & one swallow would just about do it!

    she is so damn cute..& full of herself…just want to smush her!

  8. February 16th, 2013 | 8:05 pm

    Cindy – Poor Jethro. Such a sad story. Harriet is definitely in charge.

    Cat – why is there a chair on the couch?

  9. Cat
    February 16th, 2013 | 8:21 pm

    Mayor Daisy like to fly and winds up on the couch so I am trying to train her not to do that. She’s a wild one!

  10. February 16th, 2013 | 9:22 pm

    Ah, the energy of youth. 🙂

  11. Cat
    February 16th, 2013 | 9:37 pm

    Youth is wasted on the young…George Bernard Shaw….

  12. Cindy, Jethro, Oz, Harriet and (Rugs ATB)
    February 17th, 2013 | 5:26 pm

    OneMom, Jethro wasn’t the one bleeding. It was Harriet that Jethro bit! He put a big gash in her ear. She was in rescue during that time and that’s how Harriet and I got close. And that’s how I was finally able to get her to like humans. I had to wash her ear in the bath tub every day and medicate it. I never took her to the vet cuz the rescue didn’t have any money and I knew I could deal with it. You can’t see the scar anymore now. But, Harriet still wouldn’t back down and I was scared she was going to get herself killed. So, since I could control Jethro, I made him back down. Cuz I couldn’t control her. Still can’t!

  13. Maureen and Slinky
    February 19th, 2013 | 11:24 am

    I’d give almost anything to have just 1/10 of Mayor Daisy’s energy.

  14. Nin
    February 19th, 2013 | 12:29 pm

    They sure seem to be having a lot of fun.

    You might need another basset to keep Daisy company after Romeo and Enzo go home!!!

    Have a wonderful week!!

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