Bath Day for a Baby Mayor…

February 25th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Beautiful Hound Lovers…OMDawg Daisy Lynn looks so great.  Her fur feels like butter cream frosting.

Daisy Lynn was a bit nervous being in the bath environment….

This is the first time we have washed a basset in the tub!  That in and of itself was exciting!


For about 1 minute!  It was like we were lowering her into a torture chamber….


The entire bath lasted about 3 minutes…

Grandma and I worked like crazy but got her soaped up and rinsed in record time.

It was worth it!

Look howl she glows….


And glows….


What just happened Momma?


Herz don’t like her first bath day…

More butter cream frosting fur later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB) knowing exactly howl she feels….


  1. Cindy, Jethro, Oz, Harriet and (Rugs ATB)
    February 25th, 2013 | 9:00 pm

    3 minutes?! I can’t even get mine totally wet in that time. Daisy Lynn got lucky on that one. I’m sure she’ll get better with time. Poor Daisy Lynn. She looks so very pitiful. But definitely beautiful!

  2. February 26th, 2013 | 7:45 am

    I see Daisy has the “whoa is me” look all figured out. Congrats on the “speed bathing”.

    What did she think of being dried off? Nell is impossible to dry with a towel – it terrifies her. I assume it is something from the miserable years before she came to us. It’s easier at the groomers where she can sit in the warming box. Nell does love a nice bath though … she almost always falls asleep in the tub. Sophie is more like Mayor Daisy.

  3. February 26th, 2013 | 8:23 am

    The last close-up picture of Daisy is stunning. The light on one side of her face and shadow on the other – amazing. Tater Tot is usually plastered to the front of me during his bath, I’m as clean as he is afterwards.

  4. Maureen and Slinky
    February 26th, 2013 | 11:04 am

    What a record! Mayor Daisy you do look beautiful, but I definitely think some extra treats are in order.

  5. Cat
    February 26th, 2013 | 11:22 am

    DTTandC – I totally agree with you. I was thrilled with the outcome of that shot. Sometimes the magic happens in a nanosecond! Thank you!

  6. Marsie & Nosey
    February 26th, 2013 | 11:28 am

    Buttercreme frosting! Oh, Daisy Lynn, what a delectable little cupcake you are!!!!! xoxo

  7. debra
    February 26th, 2013 | 7:51 pm

    Does she smell “as fresh as a —–“?

  8. Cat
    February 26th, 2013 | 8:37 pm

    debra – that is funny. Yes, she does smell as fresh as a Daisy! hehehe I love a fresh hound!

  9. Candy and Bailey
    March 1st, 2013 | 2:16 pm

    Could she be ANY cuter?

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