Daisy Lynn is so cold natured! She would have never made it in the Denver area!

February 26th, 2013 - 9:09 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and warm weather lovers…Well, in bassethoundtown we cannot wait for the good weather.

When I was talking to the previous owner of our Daisy Lynn, she was telling me that she was excited for her to move to a warmer climate.

I can certainly see why!  If the heat is on she will find the vent!DaisyLynnheat

She loves warm air blowing on her.

Daisy Lynn would have never made it in Denver!  hehehe

More loving looking forward to the warm weather later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) loving rolling in the spring grass


  1. Marsie & Nosey
    February 26th, 2013 | 10:47 pm

    Oh, I can see that somebody is going to love sunbathing on the back deck this Spring and Summer! Nosey would lie out on the front (gated and fenced) porch all day long some days if I would let her! She has a special bed that I put out there and sometimes she doesn’t even wake up until the Mailman
    leans over to give her Patty a pat! Spring can’t come soon enough… P.S. Turn on the Channel 9 news at 11 tonight. Steve Raleigh is going to show Nosey’s raincoat photo! xoxo

  2. Cat
    February 26th, 2013 | 11:18 pm

    Marsie and Nosey – we will turn on channel nine tonight! Howl cool!

  3. February 27th, 2013 | 7:19 am

    My first basset hound (Lovable Bolliver Hushpuppy) was an heat-seeking hound. We lived in an old house with a big register in the floor – he would hover over that with the warm air blowing his ears. He would also drag his blanket and cover the register and curl up on it (he was nice and warm while the rest of us were rather chilly).

    The Mayor seems to be getting visibly larger every day! Any ear measurements yet? 🙂

  4. Cindy, Jethro, Oz, Harriet and (Rugs ATB)
    February 27th, 2013 | 9:26 am

    Jethro hates the heat. The few times a year when it gets in the 30’s at night here in south east Texas, he actually sleeps outside on the porch. So, I say send Daisy Lynn down here and I’ll ship Jethro up there! Hehehehe…

  5. Maureen and Slinky
    February 27th, 2013 | 11:03 am

    Please post Nosey’s raincoat photo.

    I think Mayor Daisy looks exhausted. I think that bath really used a lot of her energy.

    I can’t wait to see photos of her in your lovely yard.

  6. Cat
    February 27th, 2013 | 11:37 am

    OneMom – I am going to get an ear measurement and a body length. OMDawg she is so long. I cannot wait to report the findings!

  7. debra
    February 27th, 2013 | 3:33 pm

    Belle used to lay right up against the woodstove. I swear a few times I smelled burning fur!

  8. Judy, Bumper and Abby
    February 27th, 2013 | 7:42 pm

    Oh my gosh in that picture Daisy looks like she has grown a foot!! She is soooo loooong!! Funny you talk about her laying by the register. Bumper and Abby always park their body in front of our gas fireplace in the dining room when it is on. They get up and they are HOT!!

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