Everything is new for a puppy!

April 11th, 2013 - 8:08 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Spring Screen Lovers…

Today I put up the office screen to let some fresh air in.  I was wondering what Baby Gerber would think about it!


It took all of a few seconds for her to figure it out!


“Mommy, this is fun!”


Freedom is such a fun thing.  Even though she has a dog door, I have had the gate up until I got the back yard cleaned up of all sticks and such.

Now she has full run of the patio, but not the hillside yet.

Looks like we have a sunbather!


More new puppy adventures later…Love Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB) knowing there are plenty of scents on the pavers….



  1. April 11th, 2013 | 8:53 pm

    Daisy does flat-basset really well. The sun looks nice. Expecting 10 inches of snow here tonight and very gusty winds. Is it really April?

  2. Karen McDonough
    April 12th, 2013 | 6:21 am

    Baby Gerber sure loves the camera doesn’t she? I wish I could lie on my stomach like she does!! It just hurts my back!!
    We’re supposed to get sleet and a little freezing rain or snow here in southern n.h. Just enough to be a pain in the “you know what”!!
    Is it spring anywhere else except BHT?!?!?

  3. Maureen and Slinky
    April 12th, 2013 | 9:56 am

    I think Mayor Daisy is an ADVENTUROUS!

  4. Cindy, Jethro, Oz, Harriet and (Rugs ATB)
    April 12th, 2013 | 4:53 pm

    Ahhhh, sun and bassets. A good pair!

    Well, I’m down on the Texas gulf coast so we never had a winter! It has been unseasonally cool this week. 40’s at night and high 60’s during the day. It’s supposed to be a beautiful weekend.

    Enjoy everyone!

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