Famous Basset Hound Alert!
Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Famous Hound Lovers…I was just over at facebook sniffing around and was pleased to learn that one of my “friends” visited this statue in Budapest Hungry!
Yes dear residents it is none other than Peter Faulk of Columbo and his trusty side kick “Dog”.
“Budapest has paid tribute to dishevelled detective Lieutenant Columbo by erecting a statue in honour of Peter Falk, the man who brought the classic TV character to life.
Born in New York, the late actor had Hungarian ancestry and said his great-grandfather could have been the Hungarian writer and politician Miksa Falk.
Peter Falk died in Beverly Hills at the age of 83 in 2011.”
I think it is fairly new. Just thought I would share!
More loving famous basset hounds later…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB hanging out in Hungry!)
PS – A little know fact…
Columbo’s dog was originally called Fang. The spin-off series KATE LOVES A MYSTERY (MRS. COLUMBO)/NBC/1979 featured the wife of Detective Columbo, Kate Columbo (Kate Mulgrew) who owned a lazy basset hound dog named Whitefang.