It was spring parade in Ault Park Cincinnati, OH

April 12th, 2015 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and spring parade lovers…OMD!!!  It was so much fun today over at Ault Park Cincinnati, OH.  I have blogged about Ault Park before but it is so huge and glorious that you just need multiple blogs to even begin to showcase its beauty.  Just 20 minutes from bassethoundtown main headquarters you can have a picnic and watch a parade of people and pets as you bask in the glory of some of the nations finest gardens.

But first a gourmet picnic that I prepared for myself and Grandma…


Rotisserie chicken salad sandwiches made with Jarlsberg red onion spread, caramelized yellow onions, hot pepper sauce, and almonds.

Cold rice and potato salad with peas, hot sauce and mayo.

Desert was to die for …I took a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a piece of corn bread with a light layer of butter and forked into a soft consistency.  I then rolled it into balls and covered with almonds…



I failed to get pictures of the other delectable delights but who cares??? LOL

We then went on our own parade around the park.  Here is Daisy Lynn and I in front of a delicate and somewhat rare yellow Magnolia…


This park is so cool.  They have these promenades that wrap around large flat grass areas.  You can’t really see what I am talking about but if you look to the right that is the large grass area where people lay on blankets and soak up the spring…


Then Grandma spotted this little flowering bush and had to pose Daisy Lynn…so pretty!


We walked for an hour or more and probably saw about a 100 dogs and I am not kidding.  In our opinion, Daisy Lynn was the prettiest! (Surprise, surprise;)


Then it was time to head back to bassethoundtown…Dreaming of our next promenade and of course chocolate cornbread almond balls!  LOL

More dreaming later…Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB having their own rainbow picnic!)


  1. The Grandma
    April 12th, 2015 | 8:08 pm

    It was such a fun beautiful day and Cat’s lunch was delicious!

  2. Sandy(Ollie's Mom)
    April 12th, 2015 | 8:27 pm

    Your menu sounds yummy! I love the photos everything blooming. We are probably 2-3 weeks behind you. We have warmer temps this week & lots of sunshine too. 🙂 Ollie love the fact that on warm days I leave the front door open & he lays in front of the storm door & can see everything.

  3. Maureen Halleran
    April 13th, 2015 | 10:20 am

    What a glorious day you must have had. Next month I am going to Lilicia Park. It’s a 10 acre park with hundreds of varieties of lilacs. I just love the fragrance when I walk through the park.

  4. Cat
    April 13th, 2015 | 11:06 am

    Sandy – I wish you would take a picture of Ollie doing this so I can smile!

  5. Sandy(Ollie's Mom)
    April 14th, 2015 | 12:10 am

    Cat- I have lots of pics of him doing this. I will send you one soon. 🙂

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