Memorial Day from the backyard of!

May 30th, 2016 - 7:07 pm KY Time

Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Memorial Day Lovers…We had a lovely time in bassethoundtown and enjoyed our own backyard which Grandpaw designed and built.

This picture was taken in 2006.


It is looking so great and Daisy Lynn loves to lounge around the town!


You can see our wall is full of wonderful plants that have really taken off.  We also have new bushes in our barrels…


We had a grill out using the trusty mini George Foreman grill!  We love that thing!

Daisy Lynn was staying in the cool garage while waiting for her tiny piece of burger…


We also have a vertical ivy garden that climbs up about 9′ high.  Grandpaw started it about 10 years ago.  We just adore it.


The pavers and moss are always cool in bassethoundtown…

More loving memories of Grandpaw who served his county with pride and served his family with grace….Cat, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB with their Grand Grandpaw…)


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