Day 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 – Stay at Home order in #bassethoundtown – Herd Mentality

April 8th, 2020 - 10:10 am KY Time

Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and being part of the herd lovers.  I guess when I think about it I have always thought of myself as part of the pack not really a herd but stay with with here.  This is long post.  What else do you have to do?  If you boil it down the residents of #bassethoundtown are a microcosm of a larger pack belonging to a herd…So, what is a herd and howl many souls are in it?…


Friday April the 3rd – Day 18 – Completed the Census as one of the herd.  Seems strange to me that the only real question was your ethnic background and if you are Hispanic.  Is it time to panic if you are Hispanic, especially during a pandemic?  OK, bad joke but it just seemed odd to me that we even have to do a Census.  OK, just googled it…This came up.  Reasons for doing a Census.

Ensure public services and funding for schools, hospitals, and fire departments.
Plan new homes and businesses and improve neighborhoods.
Determine how many seats your state is allocated in the House of Representatives.

IMO – the city where you live can do the first 2 things and the 3rd thing is so jerrymandered by the politicians that the herd does not stand a chance of accurate reporting.  BTW – where does being Hispanic come in?

Let’s say you are Hispanic – I am not sure they would even answer the Census.  So counting the herd cannot be that accurate.

I have a fair amount of time to think about this stuff now as I peek out of my vented Venetian blinds.  Venetian?  That’s Italy…PANIC!!!

So, I got my mind off of that and worked in the ladies room.  Tried a green sharpie on the light bulb.  Kinda worked but not great. In KY we all turn on green lights on to honor the dead which is now a herd.  I found some actual green light bulbs in the basement in Grandpa’s stash that I am going to put in my light fixtures on the front porch.  I have that on my list.  Thank you Grandpa!!!

Saturday April the 4th – Day 19 – Walked the grave yard with Grandma.  I am still thinking about the herd.  This is an entirely different take on herd.  I wanted to exercise somewhere there is little to no living herd members.  This was the perfect spot.  We also visited with my Grandma and Grandpa on my Dad’s side who are buried right through that archway. Grandma said, “they have the perfect spot.”  Very peaceful.

It was a stunningly beautiful day and we got the much needed exercise our bodies so rightly deserved.  OK, check that off the list and head to KY Fried Chicken!!!  We did a drive through order while I scrutinized the window worker.  Come on we all do it now.  Wonder if she filled out her Census???

Click List is next on the list.  We head over to Krogers to see what we DID NOT get.  I lower my window by about a 1/2 inch and take the receipt.  Probably infected.  Remember we are to assume that everyone has the virus…PANIC!!!  Of course NO toilet paper.  Stay tuned to Day 22 when I find out why after watching a documentary on toilet paper!!!  Fun stuff!!!

Sunday April the 5th – Day 20 – Chipped ice out of Grandma’s Freezer, made KFC Nashville Hot Chicken tenders soup with potato salad – Learned that someone’s Mom in my home town died from the virus.  She got it while in the hospital after a surgical procedure.  She was 81.  She was the Mom of my BFF’s  friend.  This is the closest death to me so far that I know of. This one hurts.

My County is Campbell County, KY and every night at 5pm we watch the governor report the deaths county by county – keeping track of the missing herd.  They were all loved.  They were all special. Most were not ready to leave us yet.

I heard someone on the internet say…“I thought we were just springing forward an hour not hurling into the twilight zone”.

Monday April the 6th – Day 21 – Worked on a mid century vintage purse to put on ebay – just stunning – Grandma had this purse in the 1950s. It has never been used!!!  OMDOG!!!  It is actually a work of architectural art.  Wonder what it will fetch for #KYbassethoundrescue?  100% of the money from this sale will go into our 501(c)3 to help the hounds.

Boris Johnson Prime Minister and pandemic denialist, self proclaimed proud shaker of  hands with everyone and kissing those who could stand it winds up in a London ICU taking up a bed that he did not think was necessary.  Of course he has no trouble getting a bed and potentially a much needed respirator.  What a fool. Remember he was the one touting Herd immunity?  I guess his herd immunity mentality theory had him as the weak link needing to be weeded out.  OK…Maybe he was right. Leader schmeader.  With Leaders like that who needs ICU beds?  Apparently he does.

Tuesday April the 7th – Day 22 – Officially opened the back yard with hamburger party!!!

Hopefully get green lights in the front door fixtures.  I don’t think the ladies room one really came off like I mentioned above. Our tradition is having smashburger to open and close the backyard.  We went to get curb side pick up and NO…they want you to come in.  Forget that.  So we headed over to Burger King drive through.  I think the last time I was at Burger King was about 30 years ago.  So, we are waiting in line and I see this.  Look down in the bottom left hand corner under the wires.  Doesn’t that look like KY if you squint your eyes?

A KY cloud at Burger King could mean 3 things.  1.) Just seeing things, 2.) Sign from Gov Andy Beshear, 3.) Sign from Chaps aka Burger King!!!  Remember I used to call himz Burger King???  OMDOG – he was so cute.

OK I pull forward (another drive through window worker to scrutinize).  She had on gloves and her own system of taking money in a tupperwear container – I am diggin’ her style. Nice…

Watched Toilet Paper documentary – 2 different herds explained… Retail and Commercial – Currently we are victims of JIT (just in time inventory) and a razor thin profit on a bulky item, not hoarding.  Herd, we are in for a lot of trouble!!! It is not just hoarding now it is production.  The manufactures do not want to ramp up retail production because then they will be stuck with it making no money and the commercial manufactures are over run with a glut of TP because we are not going to the bathroom at other locations due to the lock down!!!  Totally different products to different markets.  I say, bring on the giant rolls that the commercial herd uses and help the retail herd out!!!

This is day 76 for Wuhan China – They lifts some restrictions on their herd.  Thank Gawd I am not a part of that bat eating herd.  Oh, I also watched a documentary on bats. Wuhan, Wuhan, Wuhan – what the fudge is wrong with you guys?  Really???

OK, Day 23 here we come.  More loving healthy life later.  Stay safe, stay well, and keep your herd calm.  Love, Cat, Grandma, Daisy Lynn, (Chaps and Emma ATB laying on rainbow clouds shaped like KY;)


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