Howllow Fellow #bassethoundtown residents!!! It’s me, the Mayor’s Mommy!!!
Howllow Fellow Basset Hound and wondering if we are all OK in #bassethoundtown. Yes, yes we are. Whew – ya never know now a days with the Covid 19 and the horrible way this has all been handled. What a debacle. What kills me is that close people I have trusted and respected for decades have fallen down a rabbit hole. Makes me very sad and almost weepy. But forge on we do. Forging a new direction with new ideas and in some cases much enlightenment and less people. One last thing on this mini rant – I wish the critical Father in the ICU with Covid19 some of that enlightenment. His kid traveled to Florida with a large party group and contacted the virus. He brought it home and gave it to both of his parents who blessed his travels. Wonder if that kid thinks it was worth it? Enlightenment vs entitlement??? That is the question. Who has the answer?
Forging on…My blogging system was acting up, so if you were wondering that is why I have been away for a little bit. I am back now with tons of notes all typed up but they are mostly old news now.
What is not old news is our very own Daisy Lynn turned 8 and as promised I have some really fun stuff to share with the residents about her. What a blessing she is.
Maybe a little bit – Teeehehehehe…
More loving being back in full force forging forward forever…Cat, Daisy Lynn (Chaps and Emma ATB sending rainbow healing energy to all who want it!)
PS – Reported by Axios today…Sunday August the 9th…
As the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. surpassed five million today, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb warned that the death toll will “definitely” be between 200,000 and 300,000 by the end of the year.
The big picture: The U.S. has the highest coronavirus death toll in the world with over 160,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. Brazil has the second-most deaths with just over 100,000.