Howllo Fellow Basset Hound and Interloper….what?
Well this particular Interloper is a temporary resident of Basset Hound Town and by temporary I mean TEMPORARY HOPEFULLY! Sassie is a young pup that Cindy Doyle is trying to find a home. Cindy found herself in an emergency situation where this pup needed a foster home. Now, Sassie is reeking havoc on the Doyle household and the Doyle hounds! Now the tables are turned. Sassie now is wearing the dreaded cone of life and not tormenting the elder Doyle hounds for once. Now they can get a sniff of her instead of her jumping on them!

Cindy states,
“The Inteloper ran off when they tried to give her the anesthesia shot. Well, they had her pretty darn sedated when I got there to pick her up. This was good as they wanted me to put the dreaded cone on her when we got home and she’s supposed to wear it for 7 days. That’s a long time! So, I put her in the BHV in the crate and we drove home. Ronald met me in the garage and before we took her in the house we put the cone on her head. This was a good time as she was still very drowsy so she didn’t fight us at all. We put her down and coaxed her in the house where 4 very surprised elderly bassets were waiting for her arrival. After they saw her they all just backed off and stared. It was sooo funny! She was swaying back and forth from the affects of the anesthesia and the cone was hitting the floor, the walls, the cabinets, everything! So we finally took her outside where she had more room to roam and to pee and poop if she needed. Then I took the picture when all the hounds started gathering around and checking out the situation. She’s more active today but the cone has slowed her down. Thank goodness!”
Cindy, you are so sweet to foster Sassie and work so hard at finding her a home. I know that this was a situation where Sassie needed an angel and you made sure she was taken care of. I know you also found her an all breed rescue to showcase her. I sure hope she finds a home soon and your kids can get back to their normal pack activity. Please keep us posted!
More keeping up with Sassie later…Love, Cat, Chaps and Emma