Devon!!! she is in the running! How could she not be? Vote now!

March 27th, 2007 - 11:11 pm KY Time

Now is the time to vote: Here is the number: Do it now! It is so important! Hounds helping hounds!


Devon’s dream moves forward! PHONE LINES OPEN SOON!!! 10:36pm KY time

March 27th, 2007 - 10:10 pm KY Time


Chloe is jumping for joy for Devon! You have to vote: I WILL POST THE PHONE NUMBER SOON. CHECK BACK FOR DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!

Devon was so cute on the show tonight. The hounds were just as cute. How much fun is this? Post a comment if you saw the show!

More very soon with phone numbers…Cat, Chaps and Emma within minutes

13 Million people estimated to watch DREAM show tonight!

March 27th, 2007 - 5:05 am KY Time



Devon with her hubby Todd

(slobber, the glue of a relationship!)

Howllo fellow hound lovers: Can you believe it? The day is finally here and our howls can be heard! The spotlight will shine on basset hound rescue tonight like a tital wave. This is the grandest thing that has ever happened for all of us involved in basset hound rescue. Let’s all be a part of this moment together, and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. I Bet Devon can just barely breath. We love you Devon, humans and hounds alike.

Post a comment for Devon so she can read them later. I am sure she will be very warmed by all of the well wishes.

More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Aminopterin Toxicity & Treatment (VIN listing) poison in pet food

March 25th, 2007 - 10:10 pm KY Time

FYI from Dawn of the West

Dawn from BaRNI on the radio today! SUNDAY! 3-25-07

March 25th, 2007 - 11:11 am KY Time

Howllo Fellow Hound Lovers:

Have any of you heard of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World? It is a radio show that speaks of Martha’s absolute dedication to the truth about animal behavior and care (Martha dislikes the word “pet”) including her refusal to endorse any products or methods not absolutely in-line with her philosophy quickly established her credibility and earned her the respect of KVI’s sizeable audience.

Well, Dawn from BarNi will be on the show today talking about the Sr. Center that is part of the Great American Dream show to air this Tuesday night (check your local listings).

I am not sure how all of this works, but I think Dawn will be at a radio station in the L.A. area and then hooked up to Martha Norwalk’s Animal World.

Today’s show will also feature a food expert to address the horrific situation that has stunned dog and cat lovers alike.

The time I have for the show is 5:45 p.m. PDT

The link for the show’s website is:

Please!!! If anyone knows more about this please respond and I will get it up ASAP. Should be a great show if you can catch it! More Later…Cat, Chaps and Emma

Spencer #2 is my name (The number two is because of course there is another Spencer) and 8 years is my age.

March 25th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time


On one of the basset email lists – there was a thread going this week – folks were comparing their hounds to the 7 dwarfs, and I am without doubt the poster child for Grumpy.

Spencer #2 is my name (The number two is because of course there is another Spencer) and 8 years is my age. I’ve been at Daphneyland for a long time, several years in fact due to my grumpiness…. I don’t like kids, I don’t like anyone looking at my food, I don’t like to share toys, and I like to scare my favorite humans just cause….

Therefore I would make the perfect Senior Center Charm School Instructor –

Note from Cat! Spencer, you are so cute. I hope you get everything you are asking for. I love your white shaw. Oh, those eyes! Just adorable.

My name is Molly and that I am 8 years old.

March 25th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time


Originating at Fresno SPCA, I was saved due to a phone call to BaRNI –
As I was Owner Surrendered to the shelter, the rescue folks know my name is Molly and that I am 8 years old.
I had many lumps and bumps which had to be removed, and my teeth were Sooooooo bad – the vet man stopped counting after removing 10 teeth (which is really wonderful because that means he also doesn’t charge for the extra teeth after he stops counting). Hasn’t slowed me up a bit – my teeth feel GREAT now and I have kissable fresh breath!!

Therefore, I am the PERFECT canidate for the Senior Center Dental Hygenist.
I can tell all the hounds what to avoid in order to keep their teeth…. (clearing throat) – And Mr. Stretch – Jelly Beans would be one of the things to avoid there my dear!

Come rub my belly and marvel at my toothlessness….
Molly 8 years young
BaRNI Hound at Daphneyland
Senior Center Dental Awareness Campaign Leader

My name is Elvis – but I used to be known as Luigi.

March 25th, 2007 - 9:09 am KY Time


I was adopted originally thru Colorado Basset Rescue (High Country) and my family moved to California.
My human’s have just left for Afganistan and are serving our country, and thus I needed to be rescued again.
BaRNI accepted me and I arrived at Daphneyland a few days ago.
I know my humans will protect us – so I’m not too sad, besides, its kinda fun here!! I play all day with lots of hounds and the food is REALLY GOOD!

This Senior Center they keep talking about – I’m just a young guy at 6 years of age, but I think it would be really wonderful if some of the old guys had their own special place…… kind of a resort for the older hounds if ya know what I mean. I’d be very happy to monitor their playtime and maybe get them jogging a few extra pounds off while I go thru my weight loss program – HEY!! Maybe I could be the Senior Basset ‘Robics Instructor – does that have anything to do with sleeping on a robe? Hope so!!

Elvis, 6 years
High Country BHR – now a BaRNI hound at Daphneyland
Senior ‘Robics Instructor

How much fun will this kid have in life?

March 24th, 2007 - 6:06 pm KY Time

Beddy bye time! Scoot over and let Chaps and Emma in.

Blair’s Lunch: Steamed chicken and butter bread. Sounds delicious!

March 24th, 2007 - 5:05 pm KY Time

Blair is a resident of and lives in Japan. My mouth is watering just seeing what this hound gets for lunch. Yummy! With this dog food scare going on, I am really re-thinking my choices. What about you?

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